Smg4:Tpose virus (begining of the waluigi arc )

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No one's pov
Right now at peaches castle leo and rose had ran into the castle  "hey smg4 what is going on with the dude outside" Leo asked smg4 "I don't Shroomy has been standing there all day I'm gonna go check on him  as smg4  walked up to shroomy he touched him and he went into the same pose they then slowly drifted to the door and then tried to break it down  Luigi blocked the door but smg4 was able to break a piece of the door and Mario threw toad at smg4
"AAH, Jesus Christ! Nonononononononononononono-" toad yelled

"Super Toadie Grenade!" Mario yelled
Mario throws Toad, who screams as he flies through the hole in the door and vanishes from view. The commotion outside suddenly stops as Luigi leo and rose stare, dumbfounded.

"See? Mario fixes everything :D"mario said happily

Suddenly, Toad appears through the hole, now a zombie as well. Mario shrieks in fright as the barricade crashes aside, with the infected SMG4, Shroomy, Shrek, Po, and a slender Koopa slowly moving through the hole where the door once was.]

"OOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOHOOO!!!"luigi yelled in fear


"Oh fuck this" Leo said running picking up rose Mario,Luigi,leo and rose run up the stairs and to the first floor in a panic.

On the second floor, Fishy Boopkins is showing Meggy and Bob the Yu-Gi-Oh! card game.

"Haha! Looks like you've activated my trap card, Meggy!" Boopkins said playfully

Meggy stares, confused.

"I use my... Trap Hole, to destroy Exodia the Forbidden One!" Boopkins said

"uhh.....ummm... Uhh...Go fish?" Meggy said confused

"wHaT? oH, i ThOuGhT wE wErE pLaYiNg pOkEr, LoL." Bob said

"I think we're playing the pokemon card game." Meggy said

"No, guys, we're playing Yu-Gi-Oh!" Boopkins whined

Suddenly, the screaming Mario and Luigi crash through the doors and into the room.

"Mama mia!"mario yelled
"Mario, Luigi!? Oh thank god. You guys can play for me-"
"RUN! CRAZY ASS PEEPS!" Mario interrupted Mario,Luigi,leo and rose sprint past a confused Meggy, who looks toward the staircase to see SMG4, Shroomy, and Toad round the corner. Meggy gasps.

"wHaT tHe TiTs? wHaT's GoInG oN?" Bob asked

"Oh hey, guys! Did you come to play Yu-Gi-Oh! with us?"boopkins asked The infected slowly close in on an oblivious Boopkins, who shows them his deck.
"Oh, you guys here to see my Yu-Gi-Oh! collection? Here's Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier! He's my rarest card right now!" Boopkins explained

The zombies don't respond.

"Oh, are you guys really that interested? Here's my binder! I've been collecting for a who-" boopkins was cut off and gets tackled by the horde, who begin infecting him.


"BOOPKINS!!!!" Meggy yelled
As classic horror music plays, the infected eventually move away from Boopkins, who is now one of them.

"BOB! Help me take these guys out!" Meggy yelled to bob Cut to Bob sprinting up the stairs to the second floor.

"hAhA nOpE, lOl! i'M wItH tHe BoYs! SeE yOu, MeGgY!" Bob said abandoning meggy

"ugh... fine. I'll do this myself!" Meggy said then Meggy kicks Shroomy away and turns to see SMG4 approaching her from behind. She attacks with several jabs, dodging SMG4's tackle and ducking under a spin attack before kicking him aside too. Boopkins flies towards her, but Meggy sees him coming and catches his leg.

"Sorry about this Boopkins." Meggy said 
Meggy then throws Boopkins into Toad, knocking them both down. She smiles in victory as she turns to join Mario, Luigi, and Bob on the second floor, but suddenly she sees Shroomy slowly get back up, completely unfazed by her attacks. Meggy can only watch as, one by one, the zombies get back up and surround her, closing in.

Cut to Mario, Luigi, leo , rose and Bob held up in the second floor. Luigi freaks out as Mario keeps the door held shut.

"Is there anything we can do?!" Luigi asked

"We're all going to die!" Mario yelled

(brandishes flamethrower)lEt'S sEt ThIs PLaCe On FiRe! BuRn ThE t-PoSiNg BiTcHeS tO tHe GrOuNd!" Bob said

"NO! BOB! We can't! These are our friends!!!" Luigi said

"IT'S OK GUYS! Meggy's gonna kick their asses! They're not even coming up here anymore!" Leo said

Mario peeks out the door to check, only to see Meggy, now a zombie, slowly moving up the stairs. He screams and leaps away from the door.
"dOeS tHiS mEaN wE gEt To SeT tHe PLaCe On FiRe?"bob asked
Luigi quickly jumps to block the door.

Mario quickly recovers and joins him as the zombies close in, joined by Toadsworth, Birdo, and a Koopa Bros. member. Luigi panics as he struggles to hold the door shut, with Bob not knowing what to do. Bob: uM... uM... ShiT, i'M gOiNg To ThE rOoF!
"HEY!!! WHAT ABOUT US!?"Mario asked

"oH dEaR loRd, LeT tHeSe foUrGeT iNtO hEaVeN; tHeY wErE cOoL, i GuEsS, aNd NoW tHeY'rE gOiNg To DiE. ReSt In SpAgHeTtI. pEaCe OuT, bItChEs!" Bob said

[Bob runs up the endless stairs and to the tower.
Mario: You son of a bitch!
Mario,Luigi leo and rose yell as the door bursts open, flinging them away. The zombies slowly swarm the room as Mario and Luigi scream and follow Bob up the stairs. As they reach the top, Mario desperately pulls on the door to the roof, but it is locked.

"HEY! Why is the door locked?!

[Outside on the roof, Bob, having barricaded the door with various rubbish, walks over to the edge.]

"aH, tHeRe We Go! nOw I wILL bE dA lAsT dUdE aLiVe, AnD tHeN aLL oF tHe BiTcHeS wILL hAvE tO rEpRoDuCe WiTh Me. bOb, YoU aRe A fReAkInG gEnIuS. nOw It'S tImE tO-" bob said
stops in his tracks, realizing that the outside of the castle is entirely surrounded by the infected. Characters such as SMG3, Dr. Eggman, Whomps, and various others fill the entire outside area
Back inside
Leo and rose,Mario were trying to break down the door
"Bob open the damn door" mario yelled
"Luigi you little shit help us open this now " mario continued slamin into the door " bob open the fucking door now" leo yelled  "NaH Too mAnY zOmBieS " bob said mario got angry a forced his whole weight on the door slamming through it leo and rose were anle to make it but Luigi was grabbed "Luigi nooooo" "marioooo "great now the t oseres are up here how is the world going to survive if I" bob said before being cut off by a fuming Mario "you killed a my brother you sons of a bitches" mario said attacking bob causing him to slowly fall of the roof  "fuck is this seriously how we die" Leo said hugging rose "well at least I'm gonna die with you guys" rose said to mario and leo hugging Leo  then a helicopter showed up peach was on the weapons while a Koopa trooper was flying then peach shot one ups at the infected this causing them to become normal again after launching a one up bomb the helicopter landened on the roof "peach thank you so much but howd you know what to do  "Leo said to peach "it was my pleasure,and this is the cause of eating poisonous tpose mushroom, speaking of which who was the idiot that ate them?" peach asked

Shroomy then gave a flash back reacviling that waluigi caused this and most of them agreed to kicking his butt the next time they see him

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