Leo rages at call of duty

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No one pov
Right now leo and rose were taking turns playing cod mw3 currently leo was getting killed by a sniper who was spawn camping "oh my fucking god I can't fucking move come the fuck on ,dont we have a sniper on our fucking team" Leo was currently getting absolutely ass blasted in game by that little shitty sniper
"Bro I'm fucking trying to get this little bastard dude " the sniper on his team finally hit the little spawn camp bastard "about fucking time we could still probably win this shit " Leo said throwing a flash bang at a dude on the enemy team then he got killed "bro I just fucking flashed him and he killed me like it was nothing" then Leo got flashed the light completely covering the screen

"I'm fucking flashed oh my fucking god
Dude, why is it that when I flash somebody, it's like I just slapped them in the face with a fucking napkin from a little kid's birthday party. But when I get fuckin' flashed, it's like some big brollic black dude named fuckin' REQUIS pulls a fucking bedsheet up and around my head and just proceeds to SKULL FUCK ME?"leo yelled absolutey stunned by the bullshit

"Because I spawn, die, spa- Spawn, die. Spawn, die, spawn, die, spawn die SpAWN DIE SPaWN Die SPa WN DIE" Leo got so angry l took over a little but Leo's team were just laughing there asses off even rose was laughing this seemed to calm Leo/l down.

after calming down leo then just gave up on the match "good game guys good fucking game I mean like we tried our best" Leo said "but fuck it it's 45 to 19 and we keep getting fucking spawn killed"Leo said "yeah gg man you tried your best" after that the after game turned into shouting match while Leo and rose just sat there listening there jaws wide open because of what was being said "ok I I think that's enough cod for a day don't you think leo" rose said taking out the disc "rose I'm gonna be honest I wanted to break my head against glass"Leo admitted to rose she then sits on his lap making him blush she then revealed her rabbit ears he started massaging them'I-is she teasing us' l asked Leo 'I think she's trying to keep calm and I think it's working' leo replied to l rose then started falling asleep "you like sleeping with me don't you "Leo said petting rose's head "mmhmm" rose said holding Leo 'has she realized I got taller ' Leo asked l 'She has noticed but she proBALY tHInks it'S her EYes playing TRickS on Her'l replied to leo 'welp guess I'll sleep' leo said to l sitting on the bed rose was on 'heh she's so cute'

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