Smg4: the crew plays cod

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Currently leo was Setting up 3 ps3's while Mario, Luigi smg4,boopkins,tari,saiko,toad,bob, Meggy, and rose were waiting.

"alright guys I got the PlayStation three's working I even got a lan party working as well let's play some black ops two"Leo said

"Alright smg4 Mario Luigi and I will be on a ps3 alright" Leo said

PS3 teams
Team one- smg4,Leo,Mario,Luigi

Team two-rose,tari,saiko, and Meggy

Team Three- boopkins,toad and Bob

"Why are we in groups of four" rose asked "PlayStations can only support four splitscreens" Leo said to her moving the tvs into a triangle

Leo then pressed lan party "alright we're doing team deathmatch three teams 15 minutes to get to eh 200 points before we start for anyone who doesn't know how to play games like this you just press l1 to aim and r1 to fire" Leo said "and use r2 and l2 to use lethals and tatical equipment" Leo said everyone then got in their respective groups and sat down at their ps3's and everybody started to make custom classes and the match started "oH YeAh YoU BitChEs arE gOinG DonW "in your dream's bob"Leo replied

*shut up clock in and load up* the announcer said loading into the game at the start of the game rose's group had the lead with 14 kills " how is this happening? What is this bullshit?!" Mario asked.the girls were just laughing at Mario raging already "Yknow Mario this is just sad cause your really trying here but your being absolutely backhanded by the girls "Leo said

"team work makes the dreamwork Mario you gotta stay with your team so that you can help them get kills" rose said
To Mario

"How the fuck is-a Mario supposed to do that if I keep getting sniped from across the map?!!" mario said angered

rose just smiled smugly "oh sorry about that" rose said sarcastically

"Oh you little bitch" mario said Leo then punched mario "come on Mario instead of complaining pick up then controller" Leo said to Mario

later Leo's group had 50 was roses group was at 40 bobs group was at 21

"DamN iF I DiDn'T HAve sHiTy TeAmMatEs" bob said "cope and cry little bitch don't blame your teammates for your fuck up" Leo said "yeah it's not my fault I'm the one actually trying to get kills" toad said "No ThE FucK YoUr NoT yOu'Re RuNnIng InTo the WalL" and bob was correct because toad was running into a wall

10 minutes later

Right now Mario is absolutely fuming he has around 50 to 60 deaths
"Wow Mario this is just tragic" Mario then swiped smg's cap "the only thing that is tragic IS YOUR LACK OF BITTCHES AND YOU ACE VENTURA ASS HAIRLINE!" Mario yelled "damn Mario I didn't know you had that in you" Leo said suprised "yeah Mario you didn't have to do him like that" lugi said "FUCKIN BITCH,I NEVER WANT TO PLAY WITH YOU AGAIN YOU PIRATE TEETH ASS FOSIL ASS OLD ASS DIAPER SHITTING WHITE KNIGHT ALCOHOLIC ASS STAIR FALLING ASS NO GOOD CHOCKING HAZARD MACHINE MAGGOT IM GOUNG YALL FUCK YOU" smg4 ranted at Mario grabbing his cap and storming out

Some of the group were shocked and some just laughed their asses off at the scene "what the hell is going on I just wanted to play a game of multiplayer" Leo said

"Mario didn't know it was that deep did I seriously piss him off that much?" Mario asked

"Well yeah not only did you make fun that he has no lover and his looks for the one hundredth fucking time" rose said

"Alright alright mario will stop making those jokes it's seriously not that deep let's just get back to this game I'm tired of fighting Mario's sorry ok "Mario said smg4 came back in

"that's the biggest lie I've ever heard you ain't sorry about shit bitch YOU SHIT FACED ORGAN DONOR "

"Smg4 just shut up and sit back down" Leo said smg4 breathed then sat back down

"ok now Mario could you put in effort and stop fucking dying all the" smg4 asked more calmly "Mario will try" Mario

Before they cyinued they looked at the board

Leo's team has 129 points
Roses team had 145 points
And bobs team had 100 kills

There was only 3 minutes left

Leo knew that his team would probally use so he used a riot shield in game and started hitting the enemy teams this pissed rose off

"if you don't stop that you'll regret it" rose warned leo "oh and what are you gonna kiss me or something" Leo asked

"Umm well uhm I I" rose said stuttering "rose pay attention he's trying to make you lose attention" tari said focused on the game "r-right" rose said

After Leo teased rose a little

Leo's team had 189

Roses team was at 194

And bobs team was at 159
And there was only 35 seconds left

"Shit come on we're this close" leo said to his team

"Come on g

"I GiVe Up" bob said throwing his controller at the tv shattering the controller instead of the tv " heh oh yeah I made these tv's anti break" Leo said "that's fair considering that rage you had about being flash banged"rose said giggling Leo just blushed"ok I admit that it wasn't a big deal" Leo said

Rose group won
Leo's group is second
Bob's group lost

"Whoooo hell yes let's fucking go " rose said the others were surprised at rose's outburst she then jumped on Leo " I TOLD you I'm the better plus with my teammate COD PLAYER" rose said before being bit on the neck by leo who raised his mask on the left side of his face

" I advise you to calm down "leo said "uhm oh um I'm sorry" rose said getting off leo Leo just took roses "it's ok the rush happens to everyone" Leo said to rose

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