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Leo's pov
Me mario Luigi and smg4  are in a small boatship or whatever that shit is anyway  I was checking my mags and my knife "Leo I'm scared" rose said shaking a little "it's going to be ok just keep your head down and follow my lead I'll get you through this I promise" I said reassuringly to rose  "I can't  take it anymore LET ME OFF " Luigi said panicking and trying to climb the boat " hey Luigi calm down you big baby your going to be fine " mario said  "okay guys thirty second s.. the moments the boats land be quick on your feet and clear the bunkers and most importantly get the hell of the beach  good luck and my god be with you as the boats front dropped  me and rose hit the deck and started runing for a dig up on the beach " alright fuck this  I then pull out my sword and start deflecting some of the bullets and threw rose to another dig up i the notice Mario flying and picking up the bared wire blocking access to the bunker me and rose ran for it after cleaning the bunkers we met back up with the others  rose checked up on Chris "your gonna be good Chris it missed your vital organs" but your gonna have to sit back here "crap I'm sorry guys" Chris said " it's alright you fought bravely" tari said "alright let's do this  that's the entrance to the base" I said running to the door with my katana in hand as I got in I was confronted by a ghost holding a katana I just dashed into him with my katana and he dissapeared mario started naroutou running  and just kicked an anime character while saiko just shot a rocket launcher at the other anime guarding the room to meggy "hue hue hue" I heard francis laugh "holy shit you were right leo" mario said to me  "that's right it is my island after all" francis "your island so you truly are the person behind this I'm gonna kick your ass bitch " i said to him "you evil prick tell us where Meggy is!!!!" Saiko yelled  "tell us or Mario's gonna kick your ass mmkay" mario yelled "oh I don't think that's going to happen" he said  before summoning sepiroth that's the blade that I hallucinated after smg4 coumputer got hi by sepiroths sword

"Hey faker" I yelled at fake sepiroth " let's dance" I said to him before my mask retracted to only my mouth wasn't seen

Epic  battle montage

"Hah ha let's see you dodge this" I said as he  strikes my robotic arm which he seemed confused  'Boi didn't notice my robotic arm' I then strike at him but he blocked by  jumping back  "come on"  I said to him he then striked but I deflected it with my sword which caused sparks to fly unknown to me Axol was fighting for his pen back  sepiroth looked back to see what was happening I was able to cut of  one of his arms and desti in her new human form kicked Francis " desti is that you "lugi asked " the one and only" after that we were able to supposedly beat the fake sepiroth   BUT THE VISION CHANGED IT WAS ROSE  BEING STABED NOT ME IVE GOTTA DO SOME THING "ROSE LOOK OUT "
(Song end)

I was then teleported into roses spot  and I teleported her to mine I felt coldness  i look down to see to see the blade sticking through me and I cough and look at my hand  'blood so the visions were correct ' everybody even desti was looking at me in absloute horror but rose oh god rose "im sorry to leave you all this early" I said to everyone  "NOOOOOOO!!!" Rose yelled falling to the floor in tears I slide her my sword "rose I love you" and with that my vision had faded but l wasn't so keen on giving up and calling it quits

Leo's mind
"Wake the fuck up Samurai  WE ARENT DONE YET WE'VE GOT AN ISLAND TO BURN "  L said to me I get up and looked around shocked then I understood l was keeping me alive "how'd I know your the one to be keeping me alive even after a stab would like that" I say to l " You know how I can be caN we Just GeT to tHe goOD paRT where we beat that oversized  lizard up " l asked me " I don't know how to even do that were dead"  "Inwant to  sHoW you something I've hidden from you" L said to me

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