Smg4: perfectly balanced

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Leo pov:
Me and smg4 were looking at memes when Mario broke down the door screaming before being dragged by something we walked out and didn't see Mario anywhere "this better be a prank" I said out loud I then felt a hand on my shoulder we then ran away after smg4 hit thing it looked like a dead meme but it was courrupted we got to the courtyard and it got eaten by a boo then a portal opend and Uganda knuckles came out of the portal they then picked up a Mario calling him a dead meme and threw him into the portal "oh noo it's gonna be one of those days" me and him then jump through the portal arriving at a hospital of some kind "wait is this holy shit it is the internet graveyard" I said "hey guys the dead memes here seem alot less... murderous now" Mario said we then walk out to see houses it seems the memes are becoming a society  smg4 was shocked by what son kids were watching it was smg3 he was reacting to something " SMG3 IS STILL HERE!!" Smg4 said "well yeah this place DOSENT automaticly kill you time is faster here that's it"I said to him "he must be behind the corrupted meme back home" smg4 said I then turned smg4's head to show a giant tower with a statue of him on top "welp come on"


We were at smg3's tower we were then corners by guards which knocked us out
When we came two we were dangiling from some rope and we weee about to be fed to a troll face "shit" I said but then smg3 said we got pranked he explained a few things to us "then can you tell us why you sent a corrupted ded meme to attack us" I asked him " did... did you sayc-corrupted dead m-meme.... TERRENCE TAKE THESE IDIOTS TO MY LAIR POST HASTE"

(Time skip)

the four of us were sitting down in chairs  smg3 kept stareing at me and 4 "uhm Mario will sit over here " Mario said going over to the kids zone "so could you explain to us what the hell is going on" smg4 asked 3 "yeah dude we've just been staring for ten minutes straight" I said "tell me you two do you know we're memes truly come from" smg3 asked us "I thought they just appeared " smg4 said "Just appeared?!...oh sweet naive SMG4...Terrance, cue lighting." Smg3 told "In this universe of ours, there's this thing called...the meme life cycle." Smg4 ex plained

"The what?!" Smg4 and I said
"When a meme first gets popular on the internet, they materialize in your realm; the living realm. Now usually, you end up making videos and memes out of them. When a meme is put to work, they're happy. And naturally, after time, the meme eventually dies on the internet...and they'll transcend to the Internet Graveyard. Here in the Internet Graveyard, I look after them until they become popular again. When they become relevant again, they go back to the living realm...and that's the meme life cycle!" Smg3 explained further

"Wait, so what happens when I don't make memes out of them?" Smg4  asked
"They become corrupted..." smg3 said coldly "A meme is only WILLING to transcend if they've been looked after and are happy....otherwise they'll remain in that realm......And if a meme stays in any realm for too long, they'll become corrupted and wreak havoc." Smg3 explained

"So what do I do with this corrupted Morshu.?" Smg4 asked SMG3 claps his hands together, prompting some Ugandan Knuckles to take Mario,leo and SMG4 out of the Starbucks

"YOU DO YOUR STUPID JOB AND MAKE MEMES OF HIM! DO IT OR BOTH OUR REALMS ARE DOOMED!" Smg3 yelled i then teleported us back to the courtyard where an over sized corrupted Morshu was waiting
"SWEET MERCIFUL CRAP!!!" Mario yelled I threw smg4 his laptop "get to making four!" I said to him "right" he then started typing and editing  while Morshu was firing bombs at me and Mario one meme didn't work "4 more memes NOW" after he made a few more Morshu returned to normal and asscended to thou graveyard smg4 then called smg3 after that he hung up when smg3 was doing  his evil laugh

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