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Leo pov
The eldritch being once known as Axol is now just a  empty shell  before I could get recollection we were going through a portal as rose held onto me  "what where are we"  I ask as we float some where"we're going to get Mario" rose hugged me  then multiple portals appeared it ducked me and smg4  we were in some sort of replica of the kingdom and there was a fake Mario  we then got a question who can open a bag of chips Mario well fake Mario lost  me and smg4 we then got sent out the portal " are you two ok what happend in there" Luigi asked "I think...Mario's crystal is challenging us" smg4 "we gotta beat those crystal's to get to him" more portals formed
No one's pov

1st round
Bob won by throwing Steve's chicken into lava

2nd round
Mario won

3rd round who can wake up melony
Meggy and desti won by blowing up the fucking planet 

4th round who can last on twitter without being canceled
Leo and rose one by doing absolutely nothing  Mario just said yes to a racist comment and got tackled

5th round who can get me monitor to vomit a crime
Saiko won by tricking him

6th round who can last the longest on theninternet before running into nsfw
It was a tie 

Time skip

Round I don't fucking know anymore man who can make a stronger password melony and Leo vs Mario melony won by summoning fucking satan himself 

Who can last longer in a round of hide and seek it was a tie

Who can beat sonic in a race
Mario won by shooting sonics foot

Aquire discord.  Mod
Bob won and with that all the challanges were done and our hros have arrived

Leo pov
We were done but zero was waiting for us
But melony gave us an aspiring speech and we move onto the fucking rap battle
"Alright let's get this shit  done" I said pulling out my sword

Rap battle begin

Time ticks down and
Fades all our sorrow
3, 2, 1, 0
Your perilous wraths
At the end of it's path


Your pleas are all in vain
All that I know is pain
Don't blame me if you all yell
Down in my special hell
As I tear your lives apart
to begin my fresh new form
And hit Restart


Hello fellow friends
I heard deaths
A great new trend
why care and love in life
When we all know it's the end
Don't be scared copy me
Off your head and let's be free
Cmon guys, join the club
We offer free spaghetti


Mario cmon man quit
You must snap out of it
Flurry of threats and weak attacks
Won't stop us in our tracks


Where's the fatso we all know
Our great big friend not a foe
The biggest idiot of the show


With an ass so thick
Thick as dough

Well I think that
Sweet talk made me want to die
That's how you kill a god
You gonna try and make 'em cry?
C'mon lads let's step it up
and use all of our big brains
Cause I know there's a much
Smarter way to win this game

New adventures...(smg4 oc insert)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ