Smg4:mario's channel-mario's jackass

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Leo pov
I agreed to help Mario with a video well edit ithe's making a jackass like video to combat smg4's video and uhm well Mario is sort of a literal jack ass  first he made his brother go agains a stampede  then he made saiko go up against a giant sentry gun which some how she survived that by using a skateboard then throwing frank at the sentry but she had to deal with another one  then

there was the pain train
Which Mario told wario there was cas on a train with a bunch of boxes that had traps and then a money prize  the first box he picks was a cannon the second was a dude with a revolver after that he quickly opend every box but he couldn't find it but then waluigi was in the conductor and had the money so wario threw the dude with the revolver in with waluigi

The flying frog
Mario then made boopkins get into a sling shot and fired him out of it boopkins then hit a plane

After that it was Mario's turn to get chalange s thrown at him first off was the screaming Italian he was fired out of a slingshot by boopkins only to end up at the mall to get chased by a stamped  mario was then  shot up by a sentry

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