Chapter 11: 'Testing' (Hayden to Jaxx to Hayden's POV)

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"Why do you care?" I asked as we ate breakfast together. He paused. "What do you mean by that?" He asked back in a nervous tone. "I mean why are you so... Nice sometimes." I translated. I saw him stare off for a minute. "I...I just...Shut up." He commanded. "I'm not shutting up until you tell me." I declared. Jaxx glared at me. "If you told me right now I would stop talking..." I offered smugly. "You wouldn't shut up anyway." He predicted. "Can you tell me now...?" I questioned. "No." He answered. "How about now...?" He shook his head. "Now?" He sighed. "No." He answered. "Can you do it now-" Jaxx grabbed my throat. "Don't test me." He commanded.


After I grabbed Hayden's throat for a second, he conveniently stopped pestering me about why I cared about him. I couldn't answer. There was just something about him that made me want to protect him. It wasn't that he was weak. I had killed thousands of weak demons like him with no remorse or pity. It was just the way he would look at me or talk back to me that made him feel special in a weird way. I put my plate in my sink after I finished eating breakfast. Hayden was clearly back to himself on the high note. I grabbed my phone off of my dresser and left to go to Erebus's dorm. It wasn't that I really wanted to hang out with him, but that I wanted to apologize for the boy that unintentionally made me like him.


I began to feel a little bit nervous because of what he just did. Usually, when he wanted to be 'all big and scary', he would put a thin line between my life and death. But this time, he barely grabbed my throat, yet his glare felt more threatening than when he put an inch deep scratch into my arm. I even pondered on how long he was going to be gone, or where he was going. Stupid. Depending on his harsh look and attitude from the last thing he had last said to me, I was probably going to be alone for a while. Sweet.

I guess his way of making me feel bad for 'annoying' him was ignoring me for the rest of the day. Fine. I ignored him back. But much as he disregarded me, I would catch him staring every once in a while. Creep. That night, I got a little nervous going to bed. He had told me yesterday to tell him if something happened but since he was ignoring me now, that option was mostly in the air. As much as I wanted to go up to him and ask him what in his fathers hell was wrong with him, I just layed in bed. We both did. I kept my eyes open. As soon as they would shut, nightmares would come back for me. Eventually, I gave in though.

I woke up in a batch of trees. As dark as it was, I could still somewhat see them following every move I made. Fast shadow figures with glowing eyes zoomed in and out of my vision. The roots of the strange trees around me grabbed at my ankles, making me fall every chance they would get. I began to run, constantly stumbling. Eventually, I fell. When I did, The roots grabbed my ankles and wrists and lifted me in the air. That's when I saw it. On the top of a hill was where it stood. It was dark and slender, but still glowed as crimson as the moon in the night. It had glowing red eyes and a long, sharp, gaping mouth that went down to its spider like legs. It let out a screech. I tried to squirm out of the tree's grasp but it was useless. I tried to scream, but nothing came out. I watched in horror as slowly, step by step, over the trees, it got closer to me. Once it was right in front of me, I blacked out in fear.

I hid under my blanket in fear. I heard shuffling. I clung to my sheet above me even tighter. That was until someone slowly pulled it off. I curled into a ball, sniffling as my shelter was taken away. The person didn't say anything. They just walked away. But they came back, tapping me on my shoulder. I jumped. When I looked up, I saw Jaxx. He handed me the blanket that he let me borrow when I had my last nightmare. Then, I watched as he stacked a few blankets, and put his pillow on top, making himself a 'bed' next to mine. After around 10 minutes of contemplation, I brought up the question. "Can you..." I hesitated for a second as he looked up at me. "Can you come up here with me...?" I winced. 

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