Chapter 2: 'New roof' (Hayden Hawksley's POV)

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"HAYDEN!!" My mom yelled. I shoved the last bits of my belongings in my backpack with agony. "HAYDEN!!" She yelled again. I sighed, getting up off of my bedroom floor and into our small living room where she was standing by the door in a hurry. "Are you ready? I have men to meet." She rushed. I didn't say anything back. Instead I walked past her to put my bag in the trunk of our car. Once I did, I got in the passenger seat watching her run out the house. It's not like any men would want her anyway. Or women, or anyone that didn't fit into those genders. I watched in pain as her keys got the car running, and the house I once lived in grew more and more distant. It wasn't that we were moving. I was the one temporarily living under a new roof.

That roof belonged to a boarding school my mother was taking to. Emerald Boarding High. A boarding high school named after a gem, when the only gem was my bad luck having such an absent yet over expecting parent. Eventually, we stopped in front of the dark metal gates. "Get out. And make it snappy." My mother demanded, getting out a cigarette. I happily did. I didn't want to be at the school, but my home life seemed worse than rolling the dice with a dorm mate. It couldn't be that bad right? I got my suitcase, making sure to slam the trunk down as hard as I could. As I walked past her car for one last time, I glanced at my mother through the window, only to see her already texting as she drove away. I turned around and stared at the dark metal gates leading to my education with anxiety. "MOVE IT LOSER!!" Someone yelled. Before I could react, or swear the person out, they shoved me out their way. I looked up and saw the back of her. She has light brown hair, a dark dress, a designer backpack, and a crown with crimson moon shaped crystals. I hadn't even seen her face yet I could already tell she was just another royal snob. I waited a few seconds after I saw her walk inside the school before I followed her. The last thing I wanted was to cross paths with the brat again.

I looked at my surroundings as I walked inside until I saw the sign for the main office. As I went inside of the room, I assumed it would be where I would retrieve my paper with my dorm number and roommate, and the schedule for all of my classes. I saw an older lady behind a desktop computer. I awkwardly stood by the counter until she noticed me. "Need your schedule?" I nodded. "What's your name?" She interrogated. "Hayden Hawksley." I responded. As she typed, I looked at her name tag.


Mrs. Knolaster got out of her seat and grabbed a paper from the printer near her desk, double checking all of the information. As she did, I saw her eyes widen in fear. "Is something wrong...?" I asked nervously. "Oh...No..." She answered faintly, handing me my paper. As I closed the door behind me, I got a bad feeling. My heart began to bang against my chest as my hands began to sweat. I didn't even know why I was so scared, or why Mrs. Knolaster was. I looked down. It couldn't be that bad right? That's when I saw it.


DORM ROOMMATE: Jaxxon Fernsbee Morningstar

It wasn't just any Jaxxon. It was Prince Jaxxon. The son of Lucifer and Lilith Morningstar. A part of the demon family that ruled the realm that I, and millions of other people lived in. He was the royal savage that had mercilessly murdered thousands of demons in his past. The king and queen that passed down his powers and lack of empathy to his two kids. Jaxxon Fernsbee Morningstar, and Willow Darnel Morningstar. I wouldn't have to worry about his sister though. She went missing 8 years ago, never to be seen again. And even if she magically came back sneaking past the media, she was 14, so she would be in a different grade than I was in. But it still didn't make me sharing a dorm with the 17 year old literal spawn of Satan for all of high school any better.

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