Chapter 26: 'He's a slut with dignity' (Hayden to Jaxx's POV)

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His dad walked away, and came back with a frying pan from our kitchen. Jaxx stared at him blankly. "What? You want to fuck a pan, here you go." Lucifer explained. "That-That's not how it works...." I commented. I would have Jaxx answer but it looked like he was already on the verge of crying. Satan looked at me confused. "It means he doesn't care about someone's gender when he dates them..." I answered. I watched him stare off blankly for a few minutes. "OH!! So you're just half gay?" He asked. "Not really...More like a quarter...." I corrected. "So it's just an off brand bisexual?" Jaxx slouched in his seat next to me embarrassed. "They're similar-" I started. "So you're a slut with dignity?" Moloch guessed. "I-Yeah..." My boyfriend muttered. "Your mother is just a slut." His dad said bitterly. Jaxx stared at the floor. "Can you not talk about her infront of Hayden...?" He pleaded. "That boy is just some peasant." Beezlebub countered. "He's not some peasant. He's my boyfriend." Jaxx snapped. "He's your what?" His dad asked in an angered tone. "You heard him. We're dating." I declared.

"That's not possible. You're already dating Raven." Moloch countered. "Well that's too bad. They hate each other." I replied. "I DON'T CARE IF THEY HATE EACH OTHER." The king of darkness growled. I stood up to make myself taller. Jaxx put his hand on my arm. "It's fine. Just sit down." I did as he told me to.

"Besides, what is everyone else going to think?" Lucifer sneered. His son went quiet. "I'm not going to be associated with some microwavesexual, or whatever bullshit you kids make up these days." He insulted. I looked at Jaxx, then his dad, hoping he would say something. I saw a tear fall from his cheek as he looked at the hardwood floors. "What's stopping him from liking a man? Some entitled thousand year old bastard?" I countered. "Hayden it's fine..." Jaxx muttered in a shaky low voice. "Yeah. Listen to your overlords." His rude dad added. "I'll do whatever I want you entitled prick." I snapped. He stood up, towering over me. "CALL ME THAT ONE MORE TIME..." He growled."YOU ARE AN ENTITLED PRICK-" I started. He slapped me. Hard.


I watched as my own father slapped the most important person to me on the floor. He loomed over him. His eyes glowed red, as I saw fire slowly arise from his shoulders. He grabbed poor Hayden by his shirt. "IF YOU SAY ANY OF THAT DUMB ASS BULLSHIT TO ME AGAIN I'LL KILL YOU!!" He threatened. I prayed in my head that Hayden would just apologize- "DO IT THEN YOU WUSS..." Hayden challenged. Beezlebub punched him again, letting him fall to the floor. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I started to run toward him. "FATHER WAIT-" I started. I got thrown against a wall, making two paintings and a mirror fall over. My bare arms burned from the glass in the mirror piercing my skin. I winced as the pain from my skull being bashed into a wall came in. I heard loud thuds and looked up to see the scariest thing I had in my life. 

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