Chapter 52: 'The move' (Hayden to Jaxx to Hayden's POV)

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I got proven wrong as I unpacked all of my belongings on the barren wall shelves across from Erebus's side of the room. The front door opened. "What are you doing here?" Someone interrogated. I turned around and saw him standing in the door in confusion. Since I saw him he had gone to the nurse and got his arm fixed by the bandage on it. "I had to move dorms." I answered. "Why?" I sighed. "Jaxx gave me a hickey and the school found out and separated us." I explained shortly. There were plenty more things that contributed to us being separated. Stuff that wasn't any of the assholes business. "Really?" I nodded. "Wasn't he with Raven?" Erebus questioned. "They were forced to date each other by their parents." I replied. "Oh." I hoped after that he would leave me alone. Unfortunately, he didn't. "So are you guys in a three way or something then?"

"EW!! No. It's just Jaxx and I. He only goes on dates with Raven that his dad sets up." I responded. "Do you guys ever go on dates?" Erebus interrogated. "We can't right now because his dad could teleport to him anytime and see." I responded. "Is he homophobic?" I nodded. "Yeesh. I can't imagine that. I'm barely straight." I quickly darted up off of the floor. "You're not?" I asked. "No. I'm only half of a guy." He replied. "Nobody knows besides you." Erebus continued. "I'm bisexual." I informed. "I'm thinking about asking some of the teachers to call me by He/They instead of He/Him." They pondered. "Don't." I said quickly. "Why not- Damn..." He replied.

"Sorry about calling you all those names and pushing you..." Erebus apologized. "Oh...Thanks..." I said awkwardly. Nobody ever apologized after bullying me until then. "Do you want to be friends...?" He offered, putting out his hand. I only had one potential friend that wasn't an adult friend. Quinn. It was worth giving him a try. They could really have changed from brain damage. "Sure." I replied. We shook hands.


I dragged my feet and duffel bags in my new dorm. "Why are you here?" Chance questioned. "This is my new dorm." I said flatly, walking past him. He scoffed. "No it isn't." I grabbed the crumbled up watt of paper out of my pocket, showing him my signature I was forced to sign to move. He grabbed it in disbelief. "T-There's no way...I am not sharing a dorm with you." Chance denied. "I don't want to be here either." I responded. He shoved the paper back to me. "I don't wanna share a dorm with YOU." I sighed. "I think you've made that clear." I responded. "Can't you move somewhere else?" He questioned. "Only if something major happens." I answered. "Like this?" Chance asked, punching my stomach. 


As Erebus and I talked, a portal opened, Lucifer coming out. Usually he would teleport to Jaxx, not me. Weird. "What in my hell happened?" He jested. "They moved our dorms because Jaxx gave me a hickey." I answered. "I know that. But what happened with you and Chance?" Satan interrogated. "I punched him so hard he fell on the floor and told him to shut the fuck up after. He would have gone to the principal's office with us but apparently I broke his arm or something. But apparently it's Jaxx and I's fault... But I guess calling her a bitch didn't help either..." I explained. "Good job." He complimented. "Really?" I questioned. Since when did he like me? "Yeah. That little prick deserved it." Doing my witchcraft was less confusing than what he was saying. Why wasn't he agreeing with Chance and Ms. Laurens...? Why would he give me a compliment...? I pondered. "Well yesterday I took one of those woke online tests and found out I have a..." He looked on his phone, typing things in. "80% chance of being bisexual. Now I know how you gays feel liking boys." He continued. "Those are different..." Erebus countered. "Whatever. Either way I like men." Satan said. I nodded weakly. "Well I'm going to go to Jaxx's dorm..." I declared, walking outside.

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