Chapter 46: 'Butterflies' (Hayden to Jaxx, to Hayden's POV)

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"Why are you here? It's 3 in the morning." Jaxx interrupted. "Well you know what they say, 3:00 AM is the devil's hour." He replied, stealing at least a handful of pretzels out of the bowl. I watched as he looked in the fridge, shoving down the pretzels Jaxx paid for down his throat. "What wines did you bring here?" He inquired. His dad should have been in Ravens dorm since they had the same attitude, yet there we were. "Raven has some." Jaxx said quickly. "She does?" Lucifer asked, his crimson eyes lighting up. "Yeah she stole all of mine." He said bitterly. "What's her dorm number?"


When I came back to Hayden and I's dorm my phone vibrated in my pocket. In the school, phones weren't allowed but most people sneaked them in anyway. It's not like they would check for them in security. I looked to see who it was. Raven. I hesitantly answered. "WHAT THE HELL JAXX!!?" She yelled. "What?" I asked. "YOUR DAD JUST STOLE ALL OF MY WINE AND NOW HE'S GOSSIPING WITH TRINITY!!" She complained. "Good." I replied, about to hang up. "I SWEAR TO SATAN JAXX IF YOU HANG UP-" She started. I clicked the red button to silence her annoying voice. The only person worth my attention right now was Hayden.

Speaking of, I looked up and saw him reading a book. Even though we lived in a demonic realm, he still managed to look heavenly... I stopped myself. It was 4:00 AM. I was not about to flirt with him. There was a thing called self control. After all of the spell book practicing and advanced schooling I had done I should be the one to know that. I sat down next to him. Hayden peeked over the pages he read. "What do cute guys like you read these days?" I questioned. Inside, I lectured myself. How unhinged was I to just say that so early in the morning? It wasn't even seven yet. I could have at least waited until noon.


I blushed. "I-It's uhm...It's about murder..." I stuttered. Great. Now he thought that I was some kind of prude. I could have at least paused to think about what I was going to say instead of stuttering and pausing mid sentence. Jaxx snickered. "I think it's amusing when you get flustered." He replied, reading my mind. I got butterflies in my stomach as he said that. "I-I just...Shut up..." I muttered staring at the floor. It was the only place I could set my eyes on without making a fool of myself. As much at least. As if I hadn't already made myself look like an idiot. Reading was supposed to be a smart people thing. Not a flustered moron thing. "Do you just tell me to shut up when I make you nervous because you're trying to hide that you like me?" He interrogated. I looked up at him. "Maybe." I muttered. How could he know my feelings more than I did? For a second we looked into each others eyes. Then we kissed. Again and Again. 

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