Chapter 38: 'Guts'

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I dragged my feet to Science class only because of my motivation for lunch. As I looked at the board for our 'Daily Agenda', my heart sank as I read what we would do today.


I read it again, hoping I wasn't delusional. I was right. I would have to cut a frog and study its organs with three other morons in this hell hole. I felt like barfing at the thought. Or even worse, what if I got into a group with someone like Raven or Erebus...? Or if I embarrassed myself being too scared to look- Someone put a hand on my shoulder making me jump. "You okay?" Jaxx asked. "Yeah-Yeah why wouldn't I be?" I replied quickly. "Is something wrong?" He questioned. I scoffed fakely. "No...Not at all-I think there's something wrong with you-" I started. "You're scared to dissect that frog aren't you?" Satan on a stick...I thought "I'm pretty sure you can go to the library if you feel too scared." He mentioned. "Yeah but I'm not scared at all. I think you're just scared-"

"And I think you're in denial." Jaxx interrupted. Probably... I thought. "Exactly. Now go sit down at your table before you get yourself in trouble." He commanded. I did as he told me to. The guy that sat across from my seat looked at me with shock as I sat down. "Jaxx talks to you?" He questioned. I was pretty sure her name was something like Willfred...Maybe Wayne... "Yeah." I replied. "Was he just threatening you?" I shook my head. "No." Willy Wayne looked at me astonished. "Wow..." He complimented. "If you boys don't stop talking, both of you are going to get a zero for today." Ms. Mccoy interrupted. "Anyways." She grumbled, glaring at my table. "Can we pick our groups?" Someone asked. "I will. Since last time I let one of my classes pick their own groups, someone broke a computer." She answered. Ms. Mccoy began listing off groups, and which tables people would go to. "Group three will be Hayden-" My head perked up to hear who I would be paired with. "Erebus, Quinn, and Jaxx at table 3..." She continued. At least I would have Jaxx to deal with Erebus for me. I got up, threw on my backpack, and hesitantly went to the table, making sure to sit next to Jaxx.

Erebus placed the tray with the dead frog on the table, ripping off the sheet. I nearly threw up. "You can go if you need to." Jaxx offered. I nodded, swallowing my fear. It nearly came up as Quinn asked who wanted to cut the frog's stomach open. "Not me." Erebus answered quickly. She turned to Jaxx and I. "I'm not going to. Neither is Hayden." He replied. "What is he scared or something?" Erebus sneered as Quinn reluctantly cut open the frog. "You're going to be scared again if you don't shut up." Jaxx threatened. The prick slouched. "That's what I thought." He replied. Quinn began to read our laminated instructions on what to take notes on. "Alright gang, who's going to pull out its heart. I know it isn't going to be me." My heart dropped to my stomach as I looked at the dead frog and its exposed guts.

There was no way I could eat lunch after this shit show. "Can't you?" Someone asked. I looked up and saw Quinn looking back at me. It felt hard to talk. "He can't." Jaxx answered for me. For the first time I was grateful he did so. "Why?" She asked. He sighed, taking one of the small knives from the tray and pulled it out of its body for me. "There princess." He said bitterly. "Keep telling yourself that." She snapped. Jaxx glared at her. "The only princess here is you." He insulted. "Can we just start taking notes?" I interrupted. "Fine..." My boyfriend grumbled. I would do what I asked everyone else to but I couldn't bring myself to look up at the crime scene. "Hayden honey?" Someone whispered. I looked at Jaxx. He was already looking at me concerned. "Do you want me to walk you to the counselor? You look really anxious." He said. I finally brought myself to agree.  

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