Chapter 57: 'Vengeance' (Hayden to Erebus to Hayden's POV)

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"You know why I can't? Because TRINITY and GRACE locked me out of MY dorm and THEN they had the NERVE to call me the BITCH!!" She explained derangedly. "Maybe you were a bitch." Erebus offered. "You think I was? Go there and get my dorm back." She challenged. "Fine then." He accepted. 


I walked out of Jaxx and Hayden's dorm ready to prove Raven wrong. There was no way some Volleyball girls could be as bad as Raven said they were. Speaking of, I knocked on their door. After a minute, a girl finally opened the door. "What?" She answered bitterly. I assumed she was Grace by her name, bedazzled in her shirt. Or maybe it was some celebrity..."Can Raven come back to her dorm...?" I asked weakly. Without answering me, Grace walked away, making sure to leave the door open. Then, she came back dumping Raven's belongings outside. "No." Before I could argue, she slammed the door in my face. I gathered her stuff in one of her bags, and dragged it back to Jaxx and Hayden's dorm defeated.

"Why do you have all my stuff?" Raven asked. "Gabby threw them at me when I asked if you could have your dorm back." I answered. "I'll talk to them." Hayden declared, stomping out.


I pounded on Grace and Trinity's dorm angrily. If I heard about them one more time I would actually lose it. "Well you got a makeover." Trinity observed, answering the door. "Yeah but could you-" She interrupted me. "You look so much less nerdy you almost look... Hot." Trinity commented. "Thanks. Could you-" I started. "GRACE!! COME LOOK AT HAYDEN!!" She yelled. "I DON'T WANT TO SEE HIS UGLY ASS!!" Grace responded. "HE'S NOT UGLY ANYMORE!!" She stomped into view in the doorway. "I don't care if-" When she saw me, her sentence abruptly ended. "Well hello..." She said in a weirdly seductive tone, leaning against the door frame. Or maybe it was me used to her being so angry all of the time. "Hi. Could you just-" I got interrupted again. By now, it seemed pointless trying to get my idea across. "Did it hurt?" She asked. "Raven gave me make up. Not plastic surgery." I stated. "When you fell from heaven?" She continued. "I have a boyfriend." I replied. "UGH!! IT'S ALWAYS THE GAY ONES THAT ARE THE HOTTEST!!" Grace complained. "Can Raven have her dorm back?" I snapped. "Excuse me?" She jested.

"Let me reiterate. Give Raven her dorm back." I commanded. "What are you going to do about it?" She challenged. "I...I didn't actually think of that..." I muttered. Grace got ready to slam the door in my face. "I'll stab you with a uhm...A...A book." I said quickly. "A book?" If she wasn't there I would slap myself in the face with the same one in question. How was a book threatening? Or even worse stabbing someone with it. "Yeah..." I replied. "Was that supposed to be a threat?" Trinity sneered. 

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