Chapter 58: 'Goodbyes' (Jaxx's POV)

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I watched Hayden through a crystal ball I made from my hands. "Your boyfriend sucks." Erebus commented, peeking at my Darling. I punched him. "OW!!" He yelled. "SHUT UP!!" I commanded.

"Yeah..." Hayden replied weakly.

I couldn't watch him suffer any longer. "I'm going to go help Hayden. Don't touch my stuff." I declared. I spawned a portal in front of me, about to walk through until Raven interrupted me. "Can I come?" She asked. "Sure." I regrettably replied.

I would have texted Hayden that I was coming but he didn't have a phone. "Go." I commanded at Hayden, pointing to the portal behind me. Surprisingly he did what I told him to. Probably because he didn't want to deal with the brats in the doorway. Neither did I. "What happened to my boyfriend?" Grace interrogated. "Which one?" Raven snapped back. "Chance." She answered. "I killed him. And I'm going to kill you to if you don't leave Raven alone." I threatened. "YOU KILLED CHANCE!!?" She shrieked. "Why wouldn't I? You have at least six other boyfriends." I replied. "Oh right...Well he had the most money and I don't even know if I was in his will." She declared. "That sounds like a you problem." I stated. She glared at me. "Now if you want to live, pack up your shit and leave Raven alone." I replied. "Fine." Grace muttered.

Raven gathered her stuff before leaving, making sure to let me know Grace's dorm number in case I wanted to 'Go through with my plan'. It depended on if I saw them again or not. Erebus soon left after her, finally leaving Hayden and I alone. The moment they left I locked the door behind them. If I had to see one more face that wasn't mine or Hayden's I would collapse on the floor and die. The amount of unwanted social interaction I had to endure that day was overstimulating. I went into my now unorganized dresser and small bathroom, to put on something more comfortable... A plain T-shirt two sizes too big and Polly Pocket Pajama pants, hoping my father wouldn't come teleport to me to see the state I was in. The amount of disappointment he would feel would be more overwhelming than the amount of people I had to interact with that miserable day. Speaking of disappointments, I looked up at myself in the mirror contemplating if I should go outside and let Hayden see me in such a failure state. Fuck it. He had seen me cry at least three times. I opened the door and quickly walked to my bed and put my legs under the blankets to hide the cartoons on my pants made for six year old girls. I had to try to make it seem like I had some dignity left in me. Only for Hayden. "Aren't those pants from that show you like?" Someone asked. My heart sank. "What pants...?" I asked back. This was pathetic. I was gas lighting my own boyfriend over some Polly Pocket pants... But I had to admit they were my favorite to wear. "The ones you're hiding under the blanket." Hayden responded. "I don't know what you're talking about." I lied. He got up and lifted part of my blanket revealing at least three characters of the main cast. I slouched, staring at the floor. I wanted to shrivel up and die as he looked at my pants. "There's nothing wrong with liking cartoons." Hayden said, sitting next to me. Sure there wasn't. "You know, sometimes I still like watching Barbie movies when I'm sad. It's not like you have 10 Polly pocket sets or something." He said. I did. I got up, going to the bottom drawer of my dresser. I took out my second safe. It didn't have my money and other valuables like the first one, but all of the Polly Pocket mini house sets that were my sister's, and mine, dumping them out in front of Hayden. "I do." I stated. "What's wrong with that?" He asked. "It's embarrassing..." I muttered. 

"It's embarrassing to like something?"

"It's made for 6 year olds. And they weren't even mine..."

"So you stole from a child?"

"No...I stole from my sister...""You have a sister- Oh...Willow?"

I nodded. The last day I saw her she was 6 years old, and I was 9. Now she would be 14, 3 years younger than me. I hadn't seen her in 12 years. It's not like I could anyway. 2 months into the search they declared her to be dead. My dad wouldn't tell me why, not even to this day. I always assumed either everyone thinks she's dead because they never found her, or they found her dead body, and nobody wanted to be the bearer of bad news to a 9 year old boy. I wouldn't either. Especially one so lonely...  

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