Chapter 4: 'Morning with a Morningstar'

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I awoke back at home in my room. I tried moving to get a drink but my body didn't let me. I couldn't move a muscle. Not even my head or neck. I saw a shadow being with glowing red eyes walk in. All I could do was blink. Anytime I would open my eyes, it would be closer. I tried to close my eyes for as long as I could but something forced them open every few seconds, unwillingly having me see how close it was getting to me. Until eventually, it was on top of me. I felt cold, sharp hands, on my throat. I tried to scream or yell for help but nothing came out. Its grasp became tighter and tighter until I felt death itself take over, and everything went black.

I jolted up upright, tears stinging my eyes until I pathetically sobbed. I curled myself into a ball, stupidly hoping something under my bed couldn't get me. Hoping Jaxx wouldn't wake up. Apparently I ran out of my barren luck as I began to hear something moving from the other side of the dorm. Then footsteps came towards my bed, until they came to a close as I felt someone sit at the edge of my bed.

There was a moment of silence. "You okay...?" Someone asked in a gentle tone. I didn't have the strength to look up and face whoever came over. It couldn't be Jaxx. He would never care to ask- Someone lifted up my head with their warm hand, revealing who it was. I couldn't believe my tear stained eyes. It was him.

There was no way it was him. I had to be hallucinating. "What happened?" He inquired. "It's stupid..." I muttered. I tried not to cry in front of him, but my attempts were useless. "Can you tell me?" He interrogated. "I...I just had a nightmare..." I answer over tears. I felt his sharp fingers stroke through my hair. It was surprisingly comforting coming from someone who was usually so entitled. "Can you tell me what happened in it?" He asked. I explained the best I could. Then, he did something I would never expect. Jaxx gave me a hug. For a second I thought he was trying to crush my rib cage. Even that would have been less surprising. Afterwards, he asked me if I was okay to sleep by myself. I nodded weakly. Even though he made me feel better, I wasn't going to risk sharing a bed with him. We both went back to sleeping. But I didn't fall asleep in fear. I fell asleep in confusion, wondering why someone like him would care.

I woke up to my beeping alarm clock. I slammed the snooze button. I was not about to wake up at six in the morning for a shit show of a day- I felt a presence around me, and within seconds, I was lifted above my bed, and thrown onto the hardwood floor. "OW!!" I complained. I looked up and saw Jaxx in the kitchen. He turned around from the cabinets. "Going to school today isn't an option. It's the first day." He stated. I got up, grabbing my crumbled outfit out of the dresser, took it to the bathroom to change. After I got ready, I went to the kitchen to find something to eat. As I did, I saw cereal on the counter. Why would he leave his food on the edge of the table- "It's for you." I heard him say. I sat down on the bar stool in front of the counter to eat. Another one of his superpowers added to the list that I had seen before. Telekinesis, Witchcraft, and now Mind reading. 

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