Chapter 51: 'Homophobes'

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"Hey cunts!!" Someone yelled. Jaxx and I turned around and saw someone I didn't know. But Jaxx seemed to by the glare he gave the homophobe. "What?" He snapped. "Are you guys dating?" The asshole questioned. Jaxx hesitantly stayed quiet. "Yeah. Got a problem with it?" I challenged, taking a step closer to the unknown boy in front of me. "What's a nerd like you gonna do?" He inquired. "I'll tell you what I'm gonna do about it-" I started, lifting my sleeves to punch him. Jaxx stopped me. "Don't." He interrupted. "Yeah Hayden don't get yourself hurt." Homophobe provoked. His face looked more punchable as he said that. "You're going to be hurt if you don't shut the FUCK up." I threatened. "Go." Jaxx repeated. "My foot's gonna go up his ass if he doesn't-" Jaxx gave me a harsh look. "Fine." I muttered as I started walking to the campus. "That's what I thought." An annoying voice said. I turned around. "You can't think if you don't have a brain dumbass." I responded. "Well you can't be so weak and have such an attitude." Homophobe said. "Why do you care about who I'm dating?" Jaxx asked bitterly. "It's amusing." The jackass answered, looking at his sharp nails. "It's going to be amusing to kick your ass." I threatned. "Oh really?" He sneered. I punched his stupid face as hard as I could. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" I yelled. "HAYDEN HAWKSLEY!!" Someone called. I turned around and saw one of my many new enemies. Principle Laurens.

The three of us sat in her office. At least we would if the asshole wasn't in the nurse. "What would make you do something so cruel?" She interrogated. She has to be kidding... I thought. "He started it." I replied. "That isn't an answer." She countered. "Chance called us the F-slur while we were on our way to the campus." Jaxx acknowledged. "Okay? What really happened? It's not bad to call someone that. It's just the truth." Ms. Laurens said. My jaw almost dropped to the floor. Calling someone a slur was okay, but punching someone who deserved to be hit wasn't. "Okay bitch." I responded. She looked at me offended. "It's the truth." I mimicked. "So is Chance going to be in trouble then?" Jaxx asked. "Both of you are." She confirmed. "For what?" I asked. I knew I had broken some rules before, but I was curious about which ones I got caught breaking. "You two have ditched your classes countless times. Both of you also have gotten into plenty of fights you guys think I haven't seen through the cameras-" She started.

"Cameras?" I questioned. She ignored me. "And you got a hickey from Jaxxon. Do you know how much that could damage his reputation? You put his relationship in jeopardy for what?" Ms. Laurens lectured toward me. "For my happiness." Jaxx answered. "Well that doesn't matter. The both of you are switching dorms." My heart sank to my shoes. "You and Erebus are sharing a dorm, and Jaxxon and Chance will share a dorm." There was no way I was going to be in the same dorm room as Ere-piss. 

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