53| "But you are the only one for me."

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As I focused on grilling the chicken for our dinner at the campsite, War was relentless in capturing the moment, his camera hanging casually from his neck. His infectious grin accompanied every snap and he couldn't resist showering me with compliments. "P'Yin looks so handsome," he cooed.

I chuckled, feeling the warmth of his words amidst the crackling sounds of the campfire. "You are going to fill your camera with pictures of me by the end of the night."

He shrugged while giggling. "Can P'Yin blame me? I want to capture every moment, especially when P'Yin looks perfect like this."

The campsite, bathed in the soft glow of the fire. As the chicken sizzled on the grill, I stole a moment to admire War's enthusiasm for photography. His eyes sparkled with joy as he framed shots.

"Smile, P'Yin!" He said, lifting the camera to capture another candid moment.

I obliged, offering a playful smile as he immortalized the scene. "You really turned into the photographer, baby," I complimented, flipping the chicken on the grill.

He beamed, pride evident in his expression. "Well, when the subject is as handsome as P'Yin, it's easy to be inspired," he said proudly.

The compliment, delivered with genuine sweetness made my heart flutter. After a few minutes, War excused himself to capture more moments through the lens of his camera.

"Okay, baby. Be careful," I reminded him.

He smiled and gave a deep kiss on my cheek. "Don't worry, P'Yin. I will be back before P'Yin knows it," he responded with a salute.

I ruffled his hair with a warm smile. "I love you," I said.

"I love P'Yin more!" He replied happily before turning and walking away.

From a distance, my eyes followed him as he moved around the campsite. In this moment, a surge of happiness overwhelmed me. The progress of our love, its growth and undeniable strength filled my heart with an indescribable joy. every moment became a cherished memory. There was no doubt that I was genuinely happy with my precious War.

My contented eyes lingered on him. He was still in my sight. Not long after, as I continued to grill the chicken, two women approached me.

"Er, hey. You are P'Yin, right?" One of them greeted me shyly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Her friend was smiling and nudging her as if encouraging her to continue.

"Yeah? How do you know my name?" I responded, curious about their sudden approach and the mention of my name.

"I'm Reeya, phi. Do you remember me? I'm your junior at university," she replied with a big smile. "We...we always eat lunch together."

There was an awkward silence as I tried to remember her but it seemed like she wasn't important for me to have her in my memory.

She cleared her throat. "Well...our campsite is just there," she gestured toward their location. "I mean, if you want to join us tonight, it will be good. Our other friends are there too," she added, her face blushing with a hint of shyness.

I looked at her, a touch of indifference in my expression. "It's okay. I want to spend time with my boy-"

"You can also invite your friend, phi," she cut me off. "I mean, the short guy who wears glasses. You can bring him too."

I raised an eyebrow. "But it's good if it's just you," she added while smiling shyly.

Friend? Well, that's my boyfriend.

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