30| "It hurts but I know you're hurting even more."

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╰┈➤𝐖𝐀𝐑 𝐏𝐎𝐕*ೃ༄

The night hung heavily around us, shrouding our reunion in an eerie silence. Despite the quiet, P'Yin's occasional glances in my direction spoke volumes, conveying a mixture of emotions that were as complex as our history together.

"I...I tried to find you again after that night but...you suddenly appeared here. It's really fate," P'Yin murmured, a low chuckle escaping his lips. It wasn't a laugh born of amusement. It was the sound of disbelief, the realization that our paths keep crossing in the most unexpected of ways.

I remained silent, my thoughts swirling in a turbulent sea of emotions. Four years had passed but it seemed as though nothing had truly changed. Being near P'Yin felt like stepping into a time warp. My heart pounded in my chest, each beat echoing the fresh pain that had haunted me since that ill fated night. As I looked at P'Yin's face, I couldn't help but recall the hurtful word he had once used to describe me, "disgusting." The memory cut deep, reopening old wounds that had never truly healed.

P'Yin's eyes were still red, evidence of recent tears shed. The inquisitive part of me longed to understand the reason behind his sorrow but the words remained unspoken.

We continued to exist in a silence that seemed to stretch into eternity.

"I miss you, War," P'Yin suddenly said.

My heart raced, its beats echoing loudly in the stillness of the night. Nervousness welled up within me. I feared he could hear the desperation in my racing heart. I averted my gaze, pretending to be absorbed in the surroundings as if the trees and shadows held secrets I needed to uncover.

"Do you miss me?" He asked soflty.


"Why...P'Yin here at such a late hour?" I tried to change the subject.

"And you, why did you wander alone through the park in the dead of night?" He posed the same question.


The truth was, I missed this place more than I could express. It was the very park where I had followed P'Yin countless times like a shadow. But admitting to this truth felt like revealing a part of myself I never wanted to do anymore.

"I wanted to feel the cool night air," I replied with feigned nonchalance. It was a weak excuse, one that barely masked the longing that had drawn me here tonight.

P'Yin's eyes fixed on me as if he could see through my facade.

The blanket silence enveloped us once more.

"Do you remember the times we used to come here?" P'Yin asked.


I slowly nodded, unable to speak. Those memories were etched into my heart. How could I forget the countless hours I had spent following him around, talking about my dreams and finding solace in his company?

P'Yin's lips curved into a soft smile but his eyes betrayed a deep sorrow. "I miss those days. I miss when you used to call my name..." His voice faltered and a solitary tear escaped his eyes, tracing a path down his cheek. "I really miss you, War," he confessed. "It hurts but I know you are hurting even more," he added, his voice trembling.

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