43| "I told you I love you and you are my priority."

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Gratitude and happiness intertwined within me, an indescribable emotion fueled by the second chance War had granted me. Every day felt like a blessing and I was determined to show him my love, to verbalize it in every possible way. I yearned to be the person he deserved, the one who made him feel cherished and valued.

Morning after morning, I pressed soft kisses against his lips before heading to work. With each passing day, I noticed War opening up a little more. His eyes, once guarded, now held a warmth that spoke volumes, affirming that his love was reserved solely for me.

Seated at my office desk, a smile played on my lips as War's name lit up my phone screen. We had shared a tender moment that morning and the anticipation of his call added an extra layer of joy to my day. I eagerly answered, my heart already racing with the love I felt for him.

"Hello, P'Yin?" War's comforting voice flowed through the phone.

I smiled. "Hello, my precious person," I answered.

I heard him chuckling shyly at the other line. Cute. "P'Yin, busy?"

I looked at a lot of files on my table. "Not at all," I replied, the excitement evident in my tone.

"Well, emmm...I'm at the lobby of P'Yin's office building," he said and my heart skipped a beat. Instantly, I rose from my seat, the chair scraping against the floor.

"You're here?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yep, emmm but if P'Yin are busy, it's-"

"I will be there in a minute, don't you dare disappear," I responded. I grabbed my jacket and practically flew out of the office, leaving behind a trail of curious glances from colleagues.


As the elevator descended, the anticipation in my chest grew, each floor bringing me closer to an unexpected thrill in the middle of an ordinary day. Stepping into the lobby, I was met with the heartwarming sight of War, leaning against the wall with that adorable smile on his lips.

"P'Yin," he greeted and my heart couldn't help but respond with a joyful beam at the mere sight of him.

"Hey," I replied, my steps quickening as I closed the distance between us. Without hesitation, I enveloped him in a tight hug. In that embrace, the bustling lobby faded away, leaving only the two of us in a shared cocoon of affection.

"I miss you so much," I whispered.

"P'Yinnn, people are looking at us right now," he responded, attempting to break the hug but my grip only tightened.

"What brought you here, hm? Why didn't you tell me you wanted to come?" I asked softly, still savoring the warmth of our embrace.

"This morning, P'Yin said P'Yin would miss me so much, so umm, I cooked lunch for P'Yin," he answered shyly, a hint of bashfulness in his expression. My smile widened at his sweet gesture.

'Oh God, I really love this person,' I thought, the realization settling in my heart as I released him from the hug but not without a lingering connection through our intertwined fingers.

War looked at me shyly. "Did P'Yin like the surprise?"

A soft laugh escaped my lips and I couldn't resist ruffling his hair affectionately. "I loved it, War. It's the best part of my day."

I brought my face at the same level as him and smiled. "And I love you each single day," I said, prompting him to place his palm on my face with a flush of red.

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