32| "Because you are my 'someone special'."

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The first rays of morning light streaming through the bedroom window gently prodded me awake. With a yawn and a stretch, I reluctantly abandoned the bed and left the room. The house felt eerily quiet and devoid of its usual lively atmosphere. P'Yin was conspicuously absent, presumably off to work, I surmised.

My curiosity led me to explore the house, drifting from one space to another and eventually, I found myself in the kitchen. There, affixed to the refrigerator was a note that bore P'Yin's handwriting.

"Breakfast is already ready ;). I'm going jogging. Call me if you need anything, okay?" The note said, accompanied by P'Yin's contact number. Without realizing, a tiny smile appeared on my lips as I read the note.

I moved to the dining table, where a prepared breakfast awaited me. The kitchen itself remained empty. It dawned on me that P'Yin's daily routine might involve ordering his meals rather than cooking.

Midway through my meal, my phone chimed with a message from P'Earth, It contained a photo of him on a business trip and a playful words, "What are you doing today? I miss you cutie, 😭."

I smiled as I read his message. "Miss you too, phi. We will meet next week!" I replied.

Suddenly, the front door swung open and not long after that, P'Yin appeared in the hallway. I nearly choked on a mouthful of food. P'Yin walked in the doorway of the kitchen, a vision that took my breath away. Clad in nothing but a sleeveless shirt, his well defined muscles glistened with a light sheen of sweat from his morning jog.

Urghh, why did he have to look so effortlessly handsome after exercising? My thoughts spiraled into dangerous territory and I chastised myself mentally, desperately trying to steer my mind away from such distracting notions.

"Hey, you are up already," P'Yin greeted me with a warm smile as he approached the table.

I cleared my throat and managed to offer a nonchalant hum in response. Attempting to divert my attention away from his captivating appearance, I cast my eyes elsewhere. However, despite my best efforts to look away, my gaze inexorably gravitated back to the mesmerizing sight of his toned physique. A silent battle raged within me as I scolded myself for such distracting thoughts.

"Everything okay?" P'Yin inquired, his concern evident in his voice as he took a seat opposite me.

I nodded, fighting to regain my composure. "Yeah," I replied briefly.

P'Yin's eyes bore into mine, his perceptive gaze seemingly able to discern my inner turmoil. "Let's go buy groceries together today, okay?" He suggested, his warm smile not helping my already flustered state.

"P'Yin are not working today?" I asked, furrowing.

P'Yin nodded. "I'm working from home today. It's flexible, so I chose to stay home." His cheerful demeanor and that infectious smile of his were impossible to resist.

I tried to keep my cool but I couldn't stop wondering what on earth was the matter that had him staring at me like that?! Did he not realize the effect he had on people, casually jogging around in that sleeveless shirt? My mind raced with questions and I silently cursed my own inability to maintain composure.


The car door clicked shut and I settled into the passenger seat. P'Yin then suddenly leaned over to help me with my seatbelt. My heart pounded as soon as I felt his touch and as his comforting scent engulfed me.

Seatbelts secured, P'Yin fastened his own and started the engine. The atmosphere inside the car remained silent. I nervously fidgeted with my fingers, The pressure of our sudden reunion is getting to me. Less than a month had not even passed since I had crossed paths with P'Yin again after several years, yet the short time spent with him had already reignited the flames of my affection, causing my heart to race uncontrollably.

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