26| "I wish you were here, War."

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It was all my fault.

Regret washed over me in a tidal wave, each moment of foolishness, each lapse in judgment, haunting me with painful clarity. I had let my insecurities and fears drive a wedge between us and now I was paying the price, a price that felt unbearably high.

My heart ached as I buried my face in my hands, shoulders shaking with the intensity of my sobs. The familiar glow of my phone's screen cast an eerie light in the dim room as I talked to the empty void on the other end. The number that used to belong to War had long since gone out of service. He had changed it the day I knew he had moved to America, a distant land that might as well have been another universe.

But here I was, day after day, still calling his number even though I knew he would never answer. It was as if I held onto this futile act as a lifeline to the past, to a time when he was still a part of my life. My trembling hand gripped the phone tightly as I continued to talk to the unanswered number. I sat huddled in the corner of my room, tears streaming down my face like an unending rain.

"War...today, I was graduating," I choked out between sobs. "I...I wanted to see you, to have you here to cherish this moment with me but...you haven't come. When...when can I see you again?" My voice broke and my sobs grew louder, making it difficult to breathe properly.

The weight of my longing and remorse bore down on me, a heavy burden that seemed impossible to bear. I missed him so much and not a single day had passed when I didn't regret the foolishness that had driven us apart.

I hadn't appreciated him enough when he was by my side because I had always known how much he loved me. The thought that he might disappear from my life had never crossed my mind. No matter how many mistakes I made, War was always there, never straying too far, always ready to forgive and declare his love for me.

But now, two long and painful years had passed and I hadn't heard a word from him. He had truly vanished from my life, leaving behind an agonizing void. Even his social media accounts remained frozen in time.

Two years ago, after the semester break had come to an end, I had sought out Earth, hoping he might know how I could contact War. However, Earth had proven to be less than helpful. Our encounter had escalated into a heated argument, ending in a physical altercation with punches thrown and anger unleashed. In the end, I hadn't spoken to him since that day.

Now, I found myself in a solitary room, in the midst of a graduation ceremony, where others were celebrating with their loved ones.  But I was mourning the absence of the one person who should have been here, the one person I desperately needed to share this moment with.

The memories flooded back with painful clarity. War's laughter, his reassuring smile and the countless times he had held me close during my moments of vulnerability. It was all gone, replaced by a void that seemed impossible to fill. My phone's screen was dark but I continued to speak into it as if my words have the power to close the distance that has formed between us.

"I wish you were here, War..." I whispered to the empty room. "I wish I could turn back time and make things right. I'm-I'm sorry. I took your love for granted and now I'm paying the price. I just want to hear your voice again, to see your face and to tell you how much I love you..."

The room remained silent and I knew that my words were lost in the void, unheard by the only person who truly mattered. But I couldn't stop. Speaking to War's ghostly presence on the other end of the line was the only solace I had left, the only way to hold onto the memories of what once was.


"Happy graduation!!!" The jubilant chorus of my friends filled the air as they clinked their glasses together, their excitement palpable. Amid the cacophony of laughter and celebratory chatter, I just silent, my thoughts drifting aimlessly.

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