47| "I believe in giving everyone a second chance."

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As the days slipped away, my love for P'Yin seemed to deepen, a sentiment that wrapped around me like a warm embrace. He treated me with a tenderness that felt precious. My days were now painted in smiles and an unending flow of love.

Today marked a significant chapter as I finally met with Mr. Kang, my editor, to discuss the novel I had poured my heart into. Gratitude welled up as he expressed his admiration for my writing and the intricacies of the storyline. "War, I must say, your writing is exceptional. The storyline is captivating and I found myself truly immersed in the emotions of the characters," Mr. Kang expressed, his enthusiasm palpable.

I couldn't help but smile while adjusting my glasses. "Thank you, Mr. Kang. It means a lot coming from you."

He chuckled, a twinkle in his eyes. "For honesty, War, I fell in love with the storyline. When I first read it, it felt so real and I could empathize with every emotion. I even caught myself cursing at Luke, wondering why he loved Andrew so much even when Andrew let people treat him that way," Mr. Kang remarked, a chuckle punctuating his words.

A wave of gratitude washed over me. "I'm glad the emotions resonated with you. It's what I aimed for in my writing."

Mr. Kang leaned back in his chair, a contemplative expression on his face. "You have captured the essence of each character beautifully. I could feel their emotions, their struggles."

Encouraged by his praise, I nodded. "I wanted the characters to be relatable, to reflect the complexities of human emotions."

He nodded in agreement, his gaze fixing on the manuscript. "But I also notice a slight deviation from the original plan. Initially, Andrew and Luke were not supposed to end up together, right? But, in the latest manuscript, they do."

I smiled. The truth was, the novel I had penned was a reflection of the real life love story between P'Yin and me. The characters, intricately woven into the fabric of the narrative, found inspiration in our own journey.

"Yes, you are right, Mr. Kang. I did make a change to the ending. As I delved deeper into the characters' journeys, it felt more authentic for them to find love and solace in each other."

Mr. Kang raised an eyebrow, his interest piqued. "And what prompted this change? I'm curious about your creative process."

A warm smile played on my lips as I delved into the intricacies of my creative evolution. "As I wrote, the 'characters' spoke to me, guiding the narrative in unexpected directions. Their connection became more profound and it felt like a disservice to their journey to keep them apart."

He leaned forward, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "Love has a mysterious way of guiding our narratives, doesn't it? It's what makes your story so compelling."

"Emm yeah. I believe in giving everyone a second chance. 'Andrew' has genuinely shown efforts to change and his love for 'Luke' is palpable," I said.

He nodded thoughtfully, a glint of curiosity in his eyes. "It's fascinating how characters evolve, almost like reflections of the author's growth. Tell me more about this dynamic between Andrew and Luke.''

I smiled. "For me, their journey is one of redemption and acceptance," I began. "Andrew, initially plagued by his past mistakes, embarks on a path of self-discovery and improvement. His love for Luke becomes the catalyst for change and throughout the narrative, readers witness the gradual transformation of both characters."

Mr. Kang listened intently, prompting me to delve deeper into the nuances of the storyline. "Luke, on the other hand, struggles with trust issues and the fear of being hurt again. Despite this, he becomes the emotional anchor for Andrew's redemption, challenging the notion of forgiveness and second chances. Then, they started to navigate the complexities of love, healing wounds and discovering the true meaning of acceptance."

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