42| "You make me feel like I'm in heaven."

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Days unfolded since that memorable night and P'Yin proved true to his promise of ensuring my reassurance. Each passing day, he earnestly reminded me of his love, showering me with affection that was nothing short of lovely. Almost every night, our feelings deepened in intimate moments and I couldn't help but marvel at the tenderness P'Yin offered.

As P'Yin headed to work an hour ago, leaving me in the quiet of our shared space, I found solace on the sofa. Hugging my knees, I stared at the bouquet of flowers that P'Yin consistently brought home, a daily testament to his affection. The vivid memory of his morning kiss lingered, warming my cheeks.

"Arghhh, War! You are really crazy!" I scolded myself, patting my blushing cheeks in a mixture of disbelief and delight.

The bouquet of flowers became a visual reminder of the happiness that now colored our days. I pondered, 'Is it okay for me to be this happy? Will the past truly remain in the past?'

Lost in contemplation, I continued to play with the delicate petals of the flowers, each movement a reflection of the uncertainties that lingered. The whispers of doubt were met with the sweet aroma of the blossoms.

Deciding to channel my thoughts elsewhere, I turned my attention to my work, writing my book. The manuscript, though near completion, felt like an open chapter in my life that needed further exploration. The tale intertwined with my personal journey and now, with the evolving dynamics of my relationship with P'Yin, it seemed like another layer needed to be added.

My initial plan to meet with the editor and finalize the book had taken a detour. I had requested a postponement of our meeting, citing my dissatisfaction with the current state of the manuscript. In truth, it wasn't the book that needed refinement but it was my own internal landscape that required careful navigation.

The reality was that my book served as a mirror to my life and with the shifting tides of my emotions, the narrative begged for an honest reflection of the changes unfolding within me. I chose to trust the love I held for P'Yin once more, embracing the uncertainties that came with it.

Fortunately, Mr. Kang, my understanding editor, had his own commitments that aligned with my need for additional time. His overseas business matters provided a welcome extension, granting me the opportunity to delve deeper into the pages of my manuscript and weave the latest threads of my evolving story.


At night, the aroma of spices filled the kitchen as P'Yin, with an apron wrapped around him, stood in front of the stove with a determined look on his face. He had decided to surprise me by cooking chicken chop but his culinary endeavors were met with a series of fumbles and mishaps.

As I entered the kitchen, I couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. P'Yin was navigating the culinary terrain with a level of clumsiness that was endearing. Flour dusted the countertops and a few stray pieces of lettuce had found their way onto the floor.

"P'Yin sure P'Yin don't need any help?" I teased, unable to contain my smile.

He turned towards me, a sheepish grin on his face. "Well, you don't trust your P'Yin can cook?" He said confidently.

I walked over and stood by his side, offering a reassuring smile. "Let me help you. It's the thought that counts, right?"

Reluctantly, P'Yin handed me the spatula while laughing. "I might not be a master chef but I'm trying to impress you with my culinary charm," he said.

I smiled. "Thank you for P'Yin's effort," I said while grinning.

As I took charge of the stove, he stood close, watching with an amused expression. Our laughter filled the air, blending with the sizzling sounds emanating from the pan.

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