11| "I promise I will make P'Yin happy."

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╰┈➤𝐘𝐈𝐍 𝐏𝐎𝐕*ೃ༄

As I sat in the nightclub with my friend, surrounded by the pulsating music and the dimly lit atmosphere, my attention should have been focused on the unknown girl who was inching closer to me. But my mind, stubbornly preoccupied, refused to let go of thoughts about the small guy.

'Why can't I get him out of my head?' I lamented silently, frustration etching deep lines on my face. The confusion within me grew and I could not help but question the reason behind my relentless fixation.

'What's wrong with me?' I whispered to myself, hoping for some clarity to emerge from the chaotic mess of my thoughts. I had been trying to distance myself from the unexplainable emotions that tied me to the small guy when I saw him with someone else. Yet here I was, unable to escape his grip on my mind.

The music thumped louder, drowning out my internal turmoil but it failed to drown out the nagging doubts that gnawed at me. I wondered if this persistent longing was merely a fleeting infatuation or something more profound, buried deep within my heart.

Lost in my introspection, the unknown girl beside me suddenly pulled my hand. "Let's dance, Yin," she said, her voice filled with enthusiasm.

Without waiting for a response, she pulled me towards the crowded dance floor, urging me to join her. I decided to put aside my thoughts of the small guy and embraced the opportunity to lose myself in the pulsating energy of the nightclub. As always.

As the bass throbbed through my veins, I allowed the music to take hold of me, guiding my movements in sync with the pounding beats. The flashing lights, the infectious melodies and the sea of bodies moving in harmony created an immersive world that liberated me from my inner turmoil.

"Are you okay, Yin?" She asked and wrapped her arms over my neck. "You seem a bit distracted," she added.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking about something unimportant," I said and she smiled seductively while decreasing our lip's distance.

"Then, should we have some fun?"

A corner of my mouth turned up as I pulled her closer by wrapping my hands around her small waist. "We should," I responded and only then, I decreased our distance until our lips pressed together.

The moment I felt her lips against mine, a tornado of memories from the time I kissed War swept through my head, making me close my eyes and imagining she was him.

Driven by the clear imagination of War's lips, my own lips moved against hers with a heightened urgency, a mixture of longing and desperation. The kiss, initially tender and gentle took on a more aggressive and fervent nature as the images of my unexplainable emotions towards the small guy played out in the recesses of my mind.

"Emm...Yin..." She moaned.

In this intertwining dance of lips and emotions, I grapple with the complexity of my desires. The unknown girl, unaware of the turmoil within me, responded to my heightened passion with her own enthusiasm.

The kiss deepened and the girl became more aggressive, not giving a fuck about her surroundings. But my internal struggle kept escalating. I yearned to lose myself in the moment, to succumb entirely to the sensations enveloping us. But the weight of my conflicted desires grew heavier, compelling me to momentarily break away, seeking respite from the emotional tempest that raged within me.

But as soon as I broke the kiss, my eyes caught War who stood not far away from us. His lips turned down and his eyes locked on me. Instantly, a rush of conflicting emotions coursed through my veins, making me instantly push that woman away and rush towards him.

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