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IT'S THE MIDDLE OF THE RACE AND i can hear Lando's engineer saying that he is looking good and maybe even for a podium. But a few minutes later a message from Carlos' engineer comes through saying the same thing. i can sense something bad is going to happen but i try to not think about it.

it's 10 laps to go now and Lando is holding to P3 while Carols is close behind in P4. knowing Carlos he won't give up on a podium so easy, he will want fight even if with his own teammate.

5laps to go and Carlos is starting to get really dangerous with the moves he is trying to pull. Lando is hardly keeping him behind, trying not to get both of them into the wall and out of the race. I hear through the headset that Carlos is fighting with his engineering, trying to convince him to make Lando let him pass. Carlos is not listening to neither his engineer or Zak and is not giving up. i hear Lando's voice "HE IS GOING TO KILL US BOTH IF HE CONTINUES LIKE THIS!" I can hear the fear into my boy's voice and tears start to form into my eyes at the thought of both of them injured or dead. i have to do something, so impulsively i go to Zak:

-can i talk to Carlos please? i might just try..

-thank you y/n at this point we would try anything. he isn't listening.

he gives me a headset with microphone and gives me the thumbs up that i can strat talking.

-Carlos i know you can hear me so just shut up and listen. stop this stupid game right now before you do something you will regret. if not for you or Lando, at least for me. i am here watching the two people i love the most fighting like children and i can't bare the thought of you dead. so please Carlos, i am begging you just stop, i think he can make out i am crying since my voice cracked in the middle of the sentence.

-ok. that's all he says and i can see on the monitors the gap between Lando and him getting over a second, and now two. i sigh with relief.

Lando comes home in third and i am at the front of the crowd there to congratulate him. he stands up from the car and comes straight to me.

-good job! i know you could do it. he pulls me in for a kiss and then hugging me.

-i know what you did, talking with Carlos. thank you

-oh shut up! it wasn't for you loser. i make fun of him. i just didn't you two to get hurt so i had to interfere and i will end this fight tonight. but now go and enjoy your first podium Infront of your home, i smile at him as he gives me another kiss and leaves towards the podium with the biggest grin on his face.

i have to talk to Carlos...


hey! here is the second part i promised! soon i will finish the first season and i have to start a new story, but in order to do that you will have to choose on my tik tok account in a few days, so stay tuned for the announcement! thank you and hope you enjoy!

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