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The next thing I remember after falling asleep on the couch in the lobby is waking up next to a sleepy Lando. He looks so peaceful and sweet. I grab my phone off the night stand and look if I have any new messages. Carlos didn't text me... I guess he really can't accept my decisions and my feeling. Well it is what it is, it might seem rude but I am not going to give up on a boy that treats me right for my moody brother. With those thoughts I start getting flashbacks from our childhood. Carlos was always protective but it didn't get to a point where we would not speak for a whole week. Sadness starts to get over me and with tears in my eyes I open Instagram. I see Lando posted something on his story. Hmm I wonder what. I click on his profile and see a picture with me from yesterday while sightseeing. Immediately sad tears become happy ones, full with love. I wipe them away as Lando starts moving in his sleep.

-Flo! The dog is running after me! *he says clearly dreaming*

-I let me head fall on the back as I laugh. He clearly drifts off to sleep since he isn't answering when I say his name. This boy really makes me feel happy. I really think he is the one for me. I just hope I am the one for him. I stare at his story a whole another minute and reply with a read heart and a kiss emoji. I think to myself cheeky :).

After Lando finally wakes up we head downstairs for breakfast. After that we go back to our road trip since we have 3 more hours and we would prefer to get there while the sun is still out. I plan on showing Lando all my favorite spots while we are there, I plan on making him feel at home in my home.

Anyways we sat down one next to the other but somehow after a few minutes there are 2 groups. The girls and the boys. As far as I can hear the guys are talking about cars so I know Lando is enjoying himself with the conversation. But obviously the girls have another plan. What can I say? I am not surprised.

-Soo Y/n... What is going on with you and Lando?

-Well honestly I don't know... I mean we went on a date and said that we like each other but after that the drama with my brother started and we didn't really talk about it.

-Well I can assure you he is madly in love with you!

-No he is not! *he can't be, can he?*

-Ohh Y/n you didn't see how he was looking at you yesterday when you were asleep and he was so caring.

-Oh... *i blush and look down at the table*

-Do you feel the same?

-Well... I think I do but... *I hesitate*

-But your brother doesn't accept it...

-Yeah *I look up again at the girls and see all of them looking at me with sorry faces.*

-Y/n are you done? We should get going... 8lando says from the other table8

-One sec! *I smile at him*

-Girls... I am so sorry but we really have to go...

-Oh well we can still talk you know? on Instagram or something. If you ever need help.

I hesitate knowing that they will find out who we are.

-Don't worry. We all know who you are and we are not going to say a thing, you are normal people for us... we are friends.

Well that changes a lot. I smile at them.

-OH ok! Give me your Instagrams and we can make a group.

After I follow them I realize maybe Lando would like to keep in touch with the boys and when he finds out that they know us he would want to talk to them. So I ask the girls to give me their Instagrams too since they were all friends.

I go to the boys table and put my hands on Lando's chair.

-I am ready.

He turns to me with the sweetest smile and gets up.

-Yep! We go upstairs and grab our things and then we can come and say goodbye.

We do just like that. We got in the room and start packing our things. I see lando looking at his phone for the first time today probably, I wonder if he saw my message. But before I could ask him he comes to me and hugs me tight. I could see tears in his eyes but he had a smile on his face.

-What? What's wrong? Are you ok? What happened?

But he doesn't answer me. He just hugs me. So I return the gesture.

I think I heard him say "I love you" but I am not sure.

-What did you say?

-Nothing. *he sighs*

Maybe I misheard. After what felt like hours, the best hours of my life, we head to the lobby where everyone was waiting to say goodbye. Jeez I adore these people! I can see they are genuine with what they say and how they behave around us, clearly not interested in our fame or connections.

I hug each and every one of them and promise we will keep in touch. We head out to the car where Lando puts our bags in the truck. We get into the car and drive away. Even though we only stayed for one night I feel sad leaving this place. The silence is broken by Lando when we stop at a traffic light.

-I think it was nice to talk to someone who doesn't know about your fame.

I start laughing, he clearly doesn't know but I have to tell him now.

-What? Why are you laughing? *he laughs at me*

-Oh darling! They know who we are. *I still laugh but Lando has a dead serious face now*


Hey guys! A longer part today since I don't think I will be able to post something else today as I am sick... Not sure I will post until Monday when the new posting program starts, but I will try my best. Hope you enjoy and if you have any ideas, comment or questions please don't hesitate to write them! Enjoy and thank you a lot for all the support.

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