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If I am being honest... I haven't been so nervous about a date in my life! I know I kept telling her it's not a date, but inside I was thinking how to make this the best date for both of us. It was true... I looked at the time so I could knock on the door at 6:45 sharp, but the thought that she noticed because she was too, made me think that she might like me the way I like her. More than her brother's teammate... more than my teammate's sister. Long story short... more than a friend. And trust me when I say that I would do anything to be more than her friend. I would take Carlos' madness  and anger. I would risk my career if that meant that I could be with her. I would become the best version of myself for her. I don't know what happened to me when I saw her the first time Carlos introduced her to me.

When she told me she had a present for me my heart melt and I could feel my eyes getting full of tears. When I opened it I saw a mini Bahrain flag. I was a little bit confused but I took it out of the bag and I see a lot of messages and inspirational quotes. the first two I see are the ones she told me face-to-face before some sessions. I got up to thank her. This is the most meaningful thing someone did for me.

The night goes on and I really enjoy her company. She seems relaxed and despite the fact that I have learned a lot about her that night she stood in my room over night. I keep finding out things about her and I keep getting amazed. I hope she also found out things about me that she will remember in the future, I don't really like to talk about myself or things I like or do, but I tried my best tonight because she is important to me.

We finish to eat and I insist I pay. I tell her that I had the idea and I invited her as a celebration for my result today even though we wouldn't have known a week ago when I came up with the idea. We finally get up and I suggest a little walk. Bahrain in the night is mesmerizing honestly and know they started to decorate especially for the grand Prix so that is fun!

-So, Y/n. I had a lot of fun and I hope Carlos won't kill us if he finds out.

-But... why would he be mad on us? We hanged out as friends, right? It wasn't a date. *she smirks at me*

-To be honest, I took it as a date. *I give her an innocent smile*

-Good.. because I did too. *we both laugh*

-It might be early but I wanna say that I really like you, you are amazing, smart, beautiful and definitely funny. And I wanted to tell you that because in case Carlos finds out and doesn't allow me near you ever again... I want you to know. *I smile at her, hoping she will say something that will make me the happiest man on earth*

-Hmm... well that's good to know. *she looks at me with a straight face. I think I really fcked it up*

-I am sorry if I made you uncomfortable... I just wanted you to know the truth *I look at her with an apologetic face*

-Stop it! I am just teasing you. I really like you too. *she looks at me with the most pretty smile ever*

-You really got me there* I laugh and I point at her*

I feel so relieved but at the same time something is unsettling. How will Carlos react? I honestly think that he will be furious.

Yep. Just how I thought. I think I can see flames coming out of his ears. Let me explain... Actually I will let Y/n tell you, but you have to wait for the next chapter.


Hey guys! I don't know if I will be able to write another part today.... But stay tuned as Lando said! You don't want to miss the next part for sure!

married? Season 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant