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We have talked over the past hour and a half. I got to know her a lot and I feel like I have known her for all my life! I asked her if she wants to watch a movie and she jumped from excitement and said that we should watch Cars because it's her favorite movie. We also have that in common I can say! And the lists goes on... from neither of us liking fish to the music we enjoy listening before any session.

It's quiet late but we still have half of the movie left, so I decided to not disturb the silence. After the movie ended, Y/n didn't say a thing. I looked at her and saw she was asleep. I settled next to her and put a blanket over the both of us since it got a little chilly.

I finally fell asleep still thinking about the evening and that Y/n is sleeping right next to me. This woman is absolutely fascinating.

I woke up this morning to an empty bed. I was scared this was going to happen, but I started getting ready for my first race in Formula 1, thinking that she probably had a meeting or something at the track.

I get to the track and head to the garage, but on the way I check my phone for the first time this morning and see I message from Y/n.

-" Hey! Sorry I ran off this morning but I had an early meeting. And by the way I had an amazing night with you. Hope we could do it again soon!"

- " Well good morning to you too! I was wondering where you disappeared, but I thought you would have to go to the track. I had a lot of fun yesterday too and I am glad I got to know you more, so we should definitely do it again!"

While I was pressing the send button I bumped into someone and there I see her. Smiling at me.

- Oh sorry! I wasn't looking. I actually was sending you a me-. *In that moment she received a notification and started laughing. -sagge.

We started laughing like two idiots and not caring about where we were. When we caught our breaths again we had to go separate ways since the McLaren and Alfa Romeo are in different parts of the paddock.

- Well Goodluck for the race and hey, stay behind me!

- You wish! I let you won in qualifying but not this time!

- We will see about that!

And with that we turned our backs to each other and gone our own ways. But I found myself turning my head to look back at her and sae her taking pictures and talking with fans. She was laughing! I can see how much people like her and how much she enjoys the support, so I am happy for her.


Hey guys! Finally had some time and inspiration for a new and longer part! I will start writing the next part, but I don't know if I can finish it since it's quiet late! But enjoy and hope you like it. And if you have any suggestions or ideas please let me know!

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