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I followed him to the car. I don't know what I was expecting, maybe a McLaren or a Mercedes, but most definitely not a Fiat Jolly. I smiled, I thought it was cute, little, colored in a beautiful nuance of  blue  and the fact that it was Lando's makes it even more cute.

L- What? Why are you smiling like that? he askes me while laughing.

Y- I like you're car. It's really elegant and cute.

L- Never insult me or my car like that ever again. It's anything but cute. he says trying to act serious but instead laughing really hard.

Y- Oh yeah, sorry mister very masculine. Your car is almost as powerful as, or maybe even more powerful than batman's car, umm what was it called, I can't remember? it was a question more for myself to think about it.

L- Batmobile? he says smiling proudly of his answer.

Y- Si, si. Batmobile!

I got in the car after Lando opened and closed the door for me, just like a real gentleman. I appreciated that at him, his comportment,  he knew how to act like a grown and respectfully man, especially with me.

L- So, Y/n, tell me about you, Carlos barely said anything about you when we got to meet eachother.

Y- Well, what can I say... I am 20 years old, born on 17th of June, 1999. My dream team is Ferrari, but I am not sure it is going to happen...

L- Hey, you have to believe in yourself, only like this things will really happen.

Y- Yeah. I know, I am just doubting the things I can't decide, you know? Ummm what else. I study during the breaks for a journalism degree, in case F1 driver is not my constant future job. I really want to stay in F1 and motorsport, you know? Maybe like Nico Rosberg, I always liked how passionated he was about racing even though he was not racing anymore.

L- I think so too. It's good to have a plan B, you know... just in case things don't work, but I promise you won't need the back-up plan. You are more talented than some of the drivers on the grid! I am sure you will succeed. I promise you.

Y- Well thank you Lando. Now tell me about you?

L- Ummm, okay. I am also 20, born on 13th of November, 1999. My dream team is McLaren, so what can I say? I am pretty lucky. I don't really have a plan B... I just hope things will go as planed. And just in case you would find out later about my wealthy dad, no, I didn't let him pay my way into F1, I wanted to be only me and my talent, if it was meant to be I would achieve my goals.

Y- Mmm you are a fair person, I like that. I smiled to him.

He smiled back. God I love his smile. But what would Carlos say if I start to have a crush on his friend. Gosh, why does life have to be so complicated when it comes to love.

There was a moment of silent, that was broken by the curly haired boy who was driving me to my hotel because my brother dumped me again for work.

L- So how did you and Carlos-

My phone rang. I think God is trying to give me signs , because my phone keeps ruining moments with this boy. I look at the screen and see the callers ID. It was Ollie, my best friend! We were teammates at Prema in F3 and F2 and remained friends since our karting days.

Y- Sorry, would you mind if I put it on speaker? It's Ollie Bearman, my best friend, and he is calling me on facetime and I bet he is dying to know what happened today...

L- Oh yeah, no problem. he smiles gently.

Y- Gracias.

I accepted the call and Ollie's face appears on the screen. I wave at him, happy to see my friend again, even if it was through a screen.

O- Hola, carinia! How was your first day? Exciting? You know... if you don't like it I don't mind replacing you! he joked, he always does this joke.

Y- Hola, love! It was good! FP2 was so much better. Oh, say hi to Lando! I turned the screen so it faced Lando and he waved smiling.

L- Hi, Ollie! How are you doing man?

O- I am good, thank you. But can someone tell me why are you in Lando's cute Fiat Jolly? he laughed.

I also laughed, laughed hard and I couldn't stop. I was almost out of breath when I realized Lando was starring at me and Ollie wasn't laughing anymore. I stopped, my face expressions changed in 2 seconds.

Y- I told you it was cute and not that masculine!

L- Yeah yeah. Cut me some slack. he said pretending he was offended.

Y- The big Sainz passed me off to his teammate. Can you believe it? I roll my eyes while laughing.

O- Oh typic for Carlos. Well I see you are busy so I will call you later, love!

Y- Ok, talk to you later amour. Bye bye.

I closed the phone and I turned all of my attention to my driver again, a cute driver I could say...

Y- Sorry, you were saying..

L- Oh I forgot. Probably nothing important.

I look at him doubly, not believing a word he said but I just decide to let it go.

I didn't even realized but we were in the elevator already.

L- Umm, Y/n?

Y- Yeah Lando?

L- Could I have your number? In case you ever need a lift? he smiled sweetly.

Y- Oh sure! Don't be so shy! We are friends, of course I would give you my number.

L- We are?

Y- Oh! Well... I thought so? I mean I would love to be friends if you would like to?

L- Oh yea, sure! I would love to.

I put my phone number in his contact list and add a car and a girl emoji next to my name. I give him his phone back and walk towards my room door with him following me, just like a gentleman, again.

I stop in front of my door and turn to him.

Y- Thank you for bringing me to the hotel. And to my room. I laugh.

L- It was a pleasure. I will see you tomorrow. Buenas noches!

he smiled, again, with his adorable smile.

Y- Buenas noches, Lando!

I enter my room and close the door behind. I quickly look through the visor and I see Lando standing still there, smiling at the door. I smile to myself and go to my bed. I change in my pajamas and throw myself on the bed. So comfy! I don't even realize that I am fast asleep. And my mind runs to my talk to Lando. God! I really start to fall for this guy!


PS: I know Ollie got in F2 in 2023, but it would have made more sense like this :). Hope you enjoyed this longer part! The next one will be very interesting, just wait and see for yourself ;).

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