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I get in the kitchen and set the bags on the kitchen island. I turn off the stove and go next to the door to hear what they are talking about. I know it's not nice, but i really have to know if Y/n words were meaningful. "and i am so grateful for having you by my side and i want you to know that if i could go back and change anything... i wouldn't... because you are one of the best thing in my life and i am not planning on loosing you." were the words Y/n told me the day i found her crying in Spain while cleaning her stuff off the shelves.

i just have to know if she will choose me again. I am sure Carlos is going to make her choose, even if it's not fair to Y/n, that's just who Carlos is and he gets what he wants in every way possible. I hope not this time then....

-You are crazy! I could you speak abut your best friend like that! Like he is the meanest person alive! i hear Y/n shout at Carlos.

-He is not my friend anymore. I can hear Carlos say, almost like a whisper, his words really hurt, but if he doesn't feel like being my friend then i can't stop him.

-Carlos what is wrong with you?! You know Lando, how could you assume that i am his maid! How could you think that of me?! Honestly i don't recognize you anymore!

-No, Y/n! You changed! Since when do you choose a boy over me, your brother?!

-Since you are so irrational and unthoughtful! You know how i feel about Lando! Couldn't you just be happy for both of us! Because we are and you can NOT change that! I can hear Y/n almost scream to Carlos those words, those words that mean the world to me...

-I told you my teammates are OFF LIMITS! You know if you would ever fight i would have to loos one of you!

-WELL YOU ARE GOING TO LOOSE BOTH OF US IF YOU DON'T STOP ACTING LIKE A CHILD! y/n is practically screaming and crying at the same time!


That's what i was afraid of. I can't loose her, she is the best thing that had ever happened to me and i can't loose her. I sit slowly on the ground trying to suppress my tears and praying that Y/n will hear the next words, even though i am only whispering them:

Say my name...


Hey guys! Here is the part i promised you! Hope you like it and who do you think Y/n is going to choose? thank you again for all the support!

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