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After our visit throughout the city we went back to our little stay for the night. Since we didn't have a reservation, there was only a room left. I was ok with it, it's not like Lando and I had fell asleep in the same bed before. We both got changed into something comfy and decided to head to the lobby and see what is happening since we could hear a lot of laughs.

-Hey guys! *a girl observes us being totally confused*

-Hey! Umm... sorry for interrupting but we were just wondering what was happening here. *Lando says shy*

-Oh you are not disturbing! We all gathered here to get to know each other. We all are guests and every night there is a meeting to make new friends. *says a man with a genuinely smile*

-Oh well can we join? *I ask happily after looking at Lando to see him already smiling at me*

-Of course! I am Aly, nice to meet you. *another girl says*

Everybody presents their self.

-I am Y/n, nice to meet you all!

-I am Lando! *he says smiling at the rest*

We take a seat on an empty sofa and Lando pulls me into his side*

-So are you guys like a couple?

I look shocked at Lando, but he doesn't look at me and keeps his gaze on the girl that asked.

-Oh I am sorry... I didn't want to make you uncomfortable! You don't have to answer my stupid question. *the girl panics and tries to excuse her question*

-Oh it's ok. Well we are not a couple, yet! We are taking things slow. *I look at Lando, who is still not looking at me*

-Then I am sure you have an amazing story for how you met! *another girl says*

-You bet! *I start telling them everything, except the fact we are or... better say I was, Lando is a driver * And now we are here! *I finish the story, feeling like it's a romance out of a book!*

-Wow! Don't mind me say it, but you guys are straight from a movie or a book! My brother's best friend! *she says while imaginary making the text appear in the air*

We all laugh, even Lando seems more relaxed now looking at me and keeping the eye contact from time to time.

It's getting quiet late as the night starts to fall. I shiver a bit and Lando probably noticed it, since he starts taking his hoodie off.

-Take it!

-Oh thanks but it's yours and it's cold.

-Y/n! Don't get me tarted *he chuckles*

-Thank you! *I smile at him*

We stay there and talk with the others, listen to their stories and get to know each other better. Me and Lando try to avoid the racing part, since none of them seems to recognize us and it feels good to be a normal person from time to time.

I feel my eyelids heavier and heavier and I fall asleep into Lando's arms.


Hey! Another part will be posted a bit later. Hope you enjoy and if you have any ideas or questions please comment them! Thanks and enjoy!

married? Season 1Where stories live. Discover now