Let's Celebrate

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After Peter left, we found Rocket. Mikey sat next to him as he scratched his ears.

Blake: Well, how do you feel? You conquered your demons, saved your family, and you became captain.

Rocket still looked lost in thought.

Rocket: Will I even be a good captain? I know I fought you guys a lot.

Zoe: You'll be great.

Zoe was behind us.

Zoe: Besides Peter, you're kinda the one that brings people together.

Rocket: Really?

Blake: It's true. You lead us to save Peter from Ego, remember? And you were part to the Avengers to save everyone. You'll be awesome.

Rocket smiled.

Rocket: Thanks guys. I needed that. But don't think I'm still gonna go easy on ya.

We all laughed.

Blake: You wouldn't be our Rocket if you did. By the way, Peter wanted you to have this.

I handed Rocket Peter's old Zune.

It had a note that said


As we all looked out, Rocket turned on a song from the Zune.

Everyone looked at the speakers as the delightful music turned on.

Groot began dancing, and then Rocket went up with him. We noticed Mantis was about to leave with the Abalisks so we waved goodbye to her. As did Drax.

Everyone began dancing. Zoe pulled me into the crowd.

Zoe: Come on.

Blake: Zoe, you know I'm no good at this.

Zoe: It's okay. Neither am I am.

Then we started dancing and spinning each other around.

Mikey danced with Cosmo and Adam's pet.

Nebula danced with a big smile on her face. She's definitely better as a person.

The kids pulled Drax into the crowd and jumped around him. All of sudden, he started jumping with joy around them.

We all howled in joy at the perfect ending.

13 years later, we were on a planet. The new guardians, chosen by Rocket. We were about to fight some aliens while Rocket was discussing something new.

Rocket: Alright, how about your favorite musical act? Phyla, you first.

One of the joob joob kids, the little girl that Mikey befriended actually learned how to speak.

Phyla: Um... Britney Spears and Korn.

Rocket: Good choices.

Kraglin: I gotta go with the man. Garth Brooks.

Cosmo: The Carpenters do not have a single bad song.

Adam: Adrian Belew. Both solo and his work with King Crimson. What about you guys?

Mikey, who was now 18, spoke first.

Mikey: Nirvana, but their drummer, Dave Grohl was impressive as the lead singer in the Foo Fighters.

Blake: Ozzy Osbourne. Especially when he joined Black Sabbath.

Zoe: Smashmouth. So much inspiration.

Adam: What about you, Captain?

Rocket: Uh, this one's kinda special.

He played a catchy song.

We all bopped our heads with this catchy beat. Even, Adam's pet. He has never left home without him. All of a sudden, the people around us began crying.

Mikey: Don't worry. It's a good song.

Zoe: Actually, it's what's coming toward us that they're crying about.

She was right. There was an earthquake coming towards us. The people screamed and ran off.

Rocket: Guess they're here.

Mikey: So much for our music marathon.

Blake: We'll marathon later.

Kraglin: Well, actually, I can handle this by my lonesome if y'all wanna chill.

Blake: No way, Kraglin. We're a team.

Rocket: Yeah, it'll go faster if we all do it together. Groot wake up.

Rocket patted a boulder we were leaning on which actually turned out to be Groot, who's become even bigger than before.

Out of the Earthquake, was a bunch of creatures coming towards us.

Phyla: Do you ever feel a little sad for them?

Rocket: Yeah, sure. But these townsfolk can't protect themselves.

Cosmo: On your word, Kapitan.

Rocket waited as they got closer.

Mikey: Uncle Rocket?

Rocket: Word.

We all ran towards the creatures.

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