Ride or Die

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Mantis, Drax, Mikey and Nebula were trying to get inside.

Mantis: Why are we doing this?

Nebula: Quill, Blake, and Groot are inside! We have to get them out!

Unbeknownst to them Peter, Groot and Theel were free falling behind them.

Meanwhile, Gamora and Zoe were trying to fly the ship with music still playing. They were going too fast and destroying a lot of houses.

Zoe: Pull up!

Gamora: This planet's gonna blow anyway!

Meanwhile, Groot grew wings with his branches and flew Peter down to kill Theel to get the passkey out of his head. They crashed and drowned the poor scientist.

Peter: Groot.

Groot opened his chest again, pulled out a switchblade and handed it to Peter. He used it to cut the metal out of Theel's head. All of a sudden, the Bowie flew into sight and came towards them.

Peter: Whoever's in the cockpit activate the brake.

Zoe: It's Zoe and Gamora.

Gamora: The steering mechanism is stuck!

Zoe: No, it isn't! You just don't know how to fly this thing!

Peter: Well, pull harder!

Gamora: Shut it, She-Wolf, I'm trying to figure this out!

Peter got the passkey out and him and Groot began to run.

Peter: Let's go. Come on.

The ship grew closer.

Zoe: Pull up! Pull up!

Gamora did and the ship barely missed them. It came to a stop.

Zoe: Whew. Good job. That was a close call.

They all breathed a sigh of relief.

Zoe: Guys, are you okay?

Peter: Yeah, we're fine. Groot and Bla--

Peter noticed that Blake wasn't there.

Peter: Groot, where's Blake? Didn't he jump off with us?

Groot: I am Groot.

They both looked up.

Peter: Oh no. Zoe, we got bad news.

Meanwhile, Nebula, Drax, Mikey, and Mantis were running low on oxygen for the ship had entered Counter-Earth's atmosphere. Nebula had trouble trying to open the door.

Mantis: It's hard to breathe.

Mikey: Hurry, Aunt Nebula.

Nebula: I'm trying, Mikey. Ok? Just stay calm and reserve your oxygen.

Mantis's hand began to freeze because of the space pressure.

Mantis: We are entering space.

Drax got desperate and began to bang on the door.

Mikey: Hurry, hurry! Faster!

Drax got the door down and they all fell inside.

Nebula turned on the shield and they gasped for air.

Mikey: It's so dark.

Nebula turned her arm into a flashlight. When they turned it on, they saw cages full of children.

"Joob Joob?"

One of them said.

Nebula: Oh, get off.

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