We've gotta Save Quill

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We continued moving through the jump points as our faces kept changing. When we finally stopped at Ego's planet, we all fell out of our chairs, and Groot threw up on himself.

Blake: Rocket. Next time you do that, warn us.

Yondu: What are you doing, boy?

Rocket: I can tell by the way you talked about him. This Ego is bad news. We're here to save Quill.

Blake: I thought you hated him.

Rocket: I don't hate him. We just get on each other's nerves sometimes.

Yondu: Then what are you doing this for? For honor? For love?

Rocket: No! I don't care about either of those things! I wanna save Quill so that I can prove I'm better than him! I can lord this over him forever!

Zoe: (in disbelief) So you're just doing this just to brag about it?

Rocket: It's not bragging-

Yondu began laughing.

Rocket: What are you laughing at me for?

Yondu: Can you believe this guy, Slade? You can fool yourself and everyone else, but you can't fool me. I know who you are, boy.

Rocket: You don't know anything about me, loser.

Blake: You'd be surprised.

Yondu: I know everything about you. I know you play like you're the meanest and the hardest, but actually you're the most scared of all.

Rocket: Shut up.

Yondu: I know you're willing to push away anyone who's willing to put up with you, and you steal batteries that you don't need, cause just a little bit of love reminds you how big and empty that hole inside you really is.

Rocket: I said "Shut up"!

Blake: No, don't stop. I think you're getting him to crack.

Yondu: I know whatever scientists created you never gave a rat's hind end about you.

Rocket: I'm serious, dude!

Yondu: Just like my own parents sold me, their own little baby, into slavery! I know who you are, boy! Because you're me.

There was a pause between them.

Rocket: What kind of a pair are we?

Yondu: A kind that's about to fight a planet, I reckon.

Rocket: Yeah, let's- Wait. Fight a what?

Blake: Yeah. Ego's the whole planet. The human form is just a part of him.

Rocket: (weirded out) Okay.

Before the battle, I was getting ready.

Yondu came up to me.

Yondu: Don't worry, Slade. We'll get our boy back.

I looked away.

Blake: We should've told him. About his dad. He wouldn't be in danger if we did.

Yondu paused, feeling guilty.

Yondu: You're right. I also should've been a better father to him.

I paused.

Blake: Now, you admit he's your son.

I looked at him. Then, I smiled.

Blake: It's about time.

Yondu decided to change the subject after he looked at Zoe, getting ready for battle.

Yondu: So, this girl. You knew her before?

Blake: Yeah. I feel bad that I didn't even bother looking for her as well.

Yondu: I kinda wish she was with you. I could've adopted you both.

Blake: She would've loved that.

Yondu: At least she's here, now. You better hold on to her.

Blake: I just don't know if I'm ready for love. What if I mess it up, just like we messed it up with Quill.

Yondu: I know you'll do good, boy. And, if it'll make you happy, I'm gonna make things right with Quill.

I smiled.

Blake: Yeah. I know you will.

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