Rocket's Origin

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Rocket: Domo. Domo. Domo. Domo.

Mikey: This way. This way.

They were directing kids to the way out.

Mikey: It's okay. It's okay. Ok, Uncle Rocket, I think that's everyone. We should go now.

Rocket saw a hallway full of cages of animals. He thought about it and went.

Mikey: Uncle Rocket, we have to go. It's safe to stay here.

He pulled at him.

Rocket: Mikey. Stop. I have to do something first.

Mikey: But why?

Rocket: This is where it all began for me. Trapped behind bars. And I don't want the same for them. Or you.

Mikey let it sink into his heart.

Mikey: I saw the file. I know what they did you. We know what they did you.

Rocket: So you understand?

Mikey nodded.

They both walked and saw the cages.

Rocket: He created your race, too you know?

Mikey: Yeah, I know.

Rocket: He also kept your mother in one of these cages until I rescued her.

Mikey: Was Groot here?

Rocket: No. I didn't meet Groot until much later.

We both went up to one cage that held babies that looked like Rocket.

Mikey: Wow. They look just like you.

Rocket: (crying) Yeah.

He held out a makeshift key card.

Mikey: Is that...

Rocket: Yeah. The tool I used to give your mother freedom. And now, I'll give my own kind freedom.

Rocket used it to open the door, and they crawled all over him. Then he saw the name tag from the inside.


One name stuck out at him more than the rest.


The one name that everyone said he was but he always denied it because he didn't know. Until now.

Rocket felt like crying.

Mikey: Are you okay, Uncle Rocket?

Rocket smiled.

Rocket: I've never felt more better in my life, sport.

He looked at them. One of them touched his nose, and more joined as if they felt a connection with him forming.

Mikey: I think they like you.

Rocket: Come on, sport. Let's get these guys outta here.

The started grabbing them as they crawled all over them. One of them fell of of Rocket and he picked it up. They both looked around and saw all the animals in cages.

Mikey: We aren't gonna leave them here, are we?

Rocket looked at Mikey.

Rocket: No. No more experiments. No more cages. We're gonna let them start a new future.

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