The Escape Plan

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They threw us in the cell.

Taserface: We deliver to the Kree in the morning. Neither of you will last much longer after that.

He walked off.

Rocket: Ok, Taserface! Hey, tell the other guys we said "Hi, Taserface!"

I was looking at Yondu, angry.

He still looked weak.

Blake: Why?

I asked.

Blake: Why are you letting them crawl over you like this?

Rocket: Yeah, no offense, but your employees are a bunch of jerks.

Blake: Why are you letting them kill each other?!

Yondu: I ain't got much choice, Slade.

That got me steamed.



She tried to stop me.

Blake: This is not the home I knew! This is not the family I knew! What happened since I was gone?! Why aren't you doing anything about this?

Yondu retorted back at me.


That stung.

Yondu: That's what I thought. You were a little boy. You were too weak to do anything. So was I.

I calmed down.

Blake: What happened?

Yondu: I was a Kree battle slave for 20 years when Stakaar freed me. He offered me a place with the Ravengers, just like I offered Slade. Said all I had to do was adhere to the code. But I was young, and greedy, and stupid. Like you stealing those batteries.

Rocket: That was mostly Drax.

I gave him a look.

Yondu: Me and Stakaar, and the other captains, we weren't so different from you and your friends. The only family I ever had. But I broke the code. They exiled me. This is what I deserve.

My eyes widened.

Rocket: Slow down, drama queen. You might deserve this, but we don't. We gotta get outta here.

Yondu: Slade, where'd you find the pretty lady?

Zoe: I've been looking for him, actually.

Yondu: Huh. Interesting. Where's Quill?

Blake: Ego has him.

Yondu: What?

Rocket: Yeah. It's a day for dumb names.

Yondu laughed and smiled.

Rocket: Why are you smiling? I had a warm feeling but it was ruined by those disgusting teeth.

Yondu: You like a professional idiot or what?

Blake: That's what describes him.

Rocket: Why didn't you deliver Ego to Quill like you promised?

Yondu: He was skinny. Could fit into places we couldn't. Good for thieving.

Rocket: (In disbelief) Uh-huh.

Blake: Just tell him the truth, Yondu. You know what danger he's in.

Yondu: Later. But right now, I got an idea on how to get out of here. But we're gonna need your little friend.

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