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The next morning

Quill: Why would you even know this?

Dey: When we arrested you, we noticed an anomaly in your nervous system, so we had it checked out.

Quill: I'm not Terran?

Blake: That's a big shocker.

"You are half Terran. Your mother was of Earth. Your father, well, he's something very ancient we've never seen before.

Gamora: That could be why you were able to hold the Stone for as long as you did.

"We also found something about you, Blake, was it?"

Blake: Slader. Blake Slader.

"When we scanned you, we found a DNA that recognized in another person from your planet. We don't really remember who it was or what it looked like, but if we can find the file, we'll inform you."

Blake: Another person from my planet? You mean other people survived?

"It's possible. Your friends have arrived. On behalf of the Nova Corps, we'd like to express our profound gratitude for your help in saving Xandar."

Blake: The pleasure is all ours, your majesty.

Quill: She's a commander.

Blake: Commander. Sorry.

"If you will follow Denarian Dey, he has something to show you."

"Thank you, Nova Prime."


"We tried to keep it as close to the original as possible. We salvaged as much as we could."

It was the Milano. Standing right in front of us.

Quill: Wow. Thank you.

"I have a family. They're alive because of you. Your criminal records have also been expunged. However, I have to warn you against breaking any laws in the future."

Rocket: Question. What if I see something that I wanna take and it belongs to someone else.

"You will be arrested."

Rocket: But what if I want it more than the person who has it?

"It's still illegal."

Rocket: That doesn't follow. No, I want it more, sir. Do you understand? What are you laughing at? Why? I can't have a discussion with this gentleman?

Drax: What if someone does something irksome and I decide to remove his spine?

Blake: That's really dark, Drax.

"That's actually murder. It's one of the worst crimes of all. So also illegal.

Drax: Hmm.

Quill: They'll be fine, Dey. We'll keep an eye on em.

"You guys?"

Quill: Yeah. Us.

Later on

Quill: That's pretty rad, that there might be others from your planet, bro. You wanna go look for em?

Blake: Naw. I got one family right now. Besides, we'll run into one sooner or later. It's a small galaxy.

Quill: Not that small.

He put in a recording tape and played music.

Gamora looked at him and smiled.

I noticed a pot on Rocket's lap. The little twig in it came to life and yawned. It was a little baby Groot.

Quill: What should we do next? Something good? Something bad? Bit of both?

Gamora: We'll follow your lead, StarLord.

Blake: Like always, bro.

Quill: Bit of both.

Blake: Woo-hoo! Yeah, baby!

To be continued

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