It's a Face-off

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There he was. Sitting in his office. Typing something with his pointer finger up. We were waiting. Peter was getting impatient. We looked around and saw the man we were looking for.

Peter: You!

They all looked at us.

Peter: Hey, yeah, you!

We went towards the guy with the metal in his brain.

Peter: I take it the passkey, it's in that thing on your head.

Blake: Yeah, that's right. We found what you were doing, sneaking around the records.

High Evolutionary: I would advise against aggression.

We rolled our eyes.

Blake: (sarcastically) Oh, yay. It's finally time for our appointment. And here, we thought you were too busy. So you're our friend's creator.

High Evolutionary: Why, yes I am. You are perceptive.

He came up close to me.

High Evolutionary: And you're one of my creations as well, aren't you?

Blake: Yeah, apparently my wife, son, and I are the last survivors. And I also know you held her captive.

High Evolutionary: Ah, yes. I remember her. She often spoke of one who slipped out of my grasp. It was too late for me before I found out that your friend helped her escape as well.

My eyes widened.

Blake: Rocket? Rocket was the one who broke her out?

High Evolutionary: Neither of them told you?

Blake: They never known about each other.

Peter: Excuse me? Got time for me now?

High Evolutionary: Your friend once took advantage. I learned my lessons. I aim some small part of my mental capacity back in my own direction and now gravity itself serves my whims.

Unbeknownst to us, one of the scientists sent one of the guards to our ship.

High Evolutionary: You must find Counter-Earth familiar.

Peter: Counter-Earth.

Blake: That's a dumb name.

High Evolutionary: I visited your planet many years ago.

Peter: Earth hasn't been my planet in a long time.

High Evolutionary: Your people had wonderful spirit.

Peter: Mm.

High Evolutionary: The art and music and literature were some of the finest in the universe. Earth would be a fabulous place, unlike your friend's planet, were it not for the ignorance and bigotry.

Peter: Ok.

Blake: Is that why you destroyed my planet? You saw it as imperfect?

High Evolutionary: It was perfect. You must recall the sky that light with colors, the moons, the fields of flowers, the mountains. One problem was your people. They became ill tempered and waged war on each. They were filthy stinking beasts of hatred that multiplied like a plague. So I did what had to be done. Earth inspired me to create Counter-Earth.

Blake: Is he serious?

Peter: I don't care.

High Evolutionary: All of the good and none of the bad.

Blake: I may have been a child, but loved my planet. You couldn't see the good in that?

Peter: I don't need another speech by some impotent wackjob whose mother didn't love him rationalizing why he needs to conquer the universe.

High Evolutionary: I'm not trying to conquer the universe. I'm perfecting it.

Blake: Oh, perfection, my hind tail parts. You are such a joke.

Meanwhile, Zoe saw someone coming inside as she was waiting inside and saw the pig guard holding Rocket.

Gamora: Hey! Drop the badger.

The pig dropped Rocket and flew towards Gamora.

Zoe: Gamora!

Meanwhile, with us.

Peter: I just want the passkey.

High Evolutionary: Then bring me 89P13.

Blake: That's not gonna happen.

"I am Groot."

Peter: He says "Suck my..."

High Evolutionary: Why are you two so angry?

Peter: Because I know what you did to our friend.

Blake: And I know what you did to my people and my wife.

High Evolutionary: Anything I've done, I've done for the betterment of the universe.

Blake: Oh, shut up about your perfection crap. You may call yourself a creator, but if you see darkness and only the bad in your creations enough to destroy them, then anyone in this galaxy who's smart enough would never refer to you as God.

Peter: Newsflash, Einstein. Better universes generally don't include a bunch of octopuses selling meth to guys with cockroaches heads.

High Evolutionary: They do not. Which is why, as I have done many times before, I'm going to have to raze it all and start again.

I gasped.

Peter: What?

Blake: You shouldn't have said anything. Wait, you don't have to. There's good people with families down there.

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