Day in the Life of Danger

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It was another mission on the planet "Sovereign". I gotta say that Zoe has been awesome on these missions and with meeting the other guardians. Anyway, they needed our help with a monster who is after their batteries. We were about to set down. I looked at Zoe.

Blake: You nervous?

Zoe: No, I'm great. How bout you?

Blake: Naw. These are the moments we live for.

Rocket: Save the flirting for later. I need to remind a violent composure for the mission.

He told us as he was setting up a speaker system.

Blake: As you're setting up a speaker system?

Rocket: I figured Quill would like it since he likes music so much.

Quill: Showtime, everybody. It could be here any minute.

Gamora: Which will be it's loss.

She said as she was readying her guns.

I taught her and Zoe about guns for the past few weeks.

Quill: I thought your thing was a sword.

Gamora: We've been hired to stop an interdimensional beast and I'm going to stop it with a sword?

Quill: I thought swords were your thing and guns were my thing but I guess we're both doing swords now. I just didn't know that.

Blake: I taught her.

Quill: What? Without telling me?

Blake: If I told you, it would ruin your surprised face. It's hysterical.

Zoe giggled at this.

Gamora: Drax. Why aren't you wearing Rocket's aerorings?

Drax: It hurts.

Gamora: Hurts?

Blake: You can't switch tactics because it hurts?

Drax: I have sensitive nipples.

Rocket burst out in laughter.

Rocket: (mocking) Oh, my nipples hurt. Oh, goodness me.

Drax: What about him? What's he doing?

Zoe: He's setting it up for music.

Drax: How is that a priority?

Rocket: Blame Quill! He's the one who loves music so much!

Quill: No, I agree with Drax on this one. That's hardly important right now.

Blake: You agree? That's a first.

Rocket: Oh, okay. Sure, Quill.

He said it while winking multiple times. The things I wish that Quill would never teach him.

Quill: No, seriously. I side with Drax.

Rocket: No, I understand that. You're being very serious right now.

Drax: I can clearly see you winking.

Blake: Yeah, that's not how you do it.

Rocket: Dang it. Am I using my left eye?

Zoe: What is he trying to do?

Blake: Don't get on the wagon.

Meanwhile, Baby Groot was hurting Orlonis.

"I am Groot!"

He said in a angry tone.

Rocket: They were not looking at you funny!

Then there was a colorful explosion in the sky. Then the creature appeared.

Rocket: Whoa. That's intense.

It landed as we all got in a battle stance.

Drax yelled and ran towards it, knives in his hands. Then we all ran towards it. Except for Groot, who was able to activate the speakers and was dancing. Of course he got in the way a few times.

The beast had Zoe in one of its tentacles. But I cut it and it dropped her. I caught her but my tail caught on fire.

Blake: AH!

Zoe: You okay?

Blake: Yeah. You?

Zoe: Never better.

Then Drax crushed the speakers and Groot got mad and hit him.

He stood up.

Drax: The beast's hide is too thick to be pierced from the outside. I must cut through it from the inside.

He laughed his crazy laugh.

Gamora: Huh?

Blake: Wait, are you serious? You can't be that crazy.

Gamora: No. No. Wait a minute! Drax!

He jumped in and got swallowed.

Blake: He's that crazy.

Quill noticed as well.

Quill: What is he doing?!

Blake: He's an being an idiot!

Gamora: He said that the skin is too thick to be pierced on the outside so-

Quill: Wait, that doesn't make any sense!

Gamora: I tried telling him that!

Quill: Skin has the same level of thickness on the inside as it does on the outside!

Gamora: I realize that!

Blake: Gross.

Zoe: Can we not argue right now?

Blake: I agree. If he's not careful, he might get digested.

Quill: There's a cut on it's neck. Rocket, Blake, Zoe! Get it to look up!

We blasted at it and flew above it.

Rocket: He you giant sea monkey, up here!

Of course it breathed it's fiery breath at us.

Rocket: Watch it, guys!

Gamora was about to fire but her gun ran out. Instead, she ran up with her sword and sliced the neck open.

Drax poured out of the wound as well.

Zoe: Ugh. That is nasty.

Drax laughed. Yes! I have single handedly vanquished the beast!

Groot, angry, threw a small rock at him.

Drax had a sad look on his face.

Drax: What?

Blake: The heck was that? You could've been digested. Luckily, there was a cut on his neck.

Quill: Guys, what matters is that he's still alive and we saved the batteries. Drax, get cleaned up. We don't wanna be late.

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