An New Familiar Foe

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That night, Rocket was in his room, listening to tunes through the Zune he obtained, again, looking at an old device from his past and putting it in his pocket, not knowing of the dangers that was about to befall on his that night.

"Uncle Rocket?"

Rocket got started as he saw Mikey behind him.

Rocket: Ah! Sport, you scared me. What are you doin' here? Shouldn't you be in bed? I don't want us gettin' in trouble with your dad again. You know he doesn't like when you sneak out.

Mikey: I couldn't sleep, Uncle Rocket. I'm scared for Uncle Peter.

Rocket: He's just going through a hard time, kid. He's been through a lot.

Mikey: I want to help him but I don't know how.

Rocket: Why don't you ask your parents?

Mikey: They don't know how to help either.

Rocket: What about Drax?

Mikey: You think I wouldn't know not to take good advice from Drax?

Rocket: Mantis?

Mikey: She's nice but she doesn't know how to help him either.

Rocket: Nebula?

Mikey: Not as nice.

Rocket: Kraglin?

Mikey: He's a wimp.

Rocket: Groot?

Mikey: You know I still can't understand him, right?

Rocket: Why are you coming to me, then? You know I'm not much better.

Mikey: Deep down, I think you still care.

Rocket looked at Mikey with a sad look.

Rocket: (sigh) I do care. So much. I just don't think I can help him.

Mikey: Why not?

Rocket: Just go back to bed, kid. Before your dad wakes up.

Rocket took off his shirt and without warning, a flash of gold broke through his window and ran him out through multiple walls, including Peter's room, screaming.

Mikey: Uncle Rocket!


I woke up hearing a noise. I heard people outside in a commotion.

Blake: Honey. Honey, wake up.

Zoe got up.

Zoe: What?

Blake: Something's up. I'm headin' out to check it out. You check on Mikey.

Zoe: Ok.

She walked out of the room as I geared up and got my gatling rifle saber out, just in case.

Zoe: Honey! Mikey's gone!

I looked at her in shock.

Blake: What?

We both got put and follow Nebula.

Blake: What happened?

Nebula: Something crash landed on top of that building. I'm going up to check it out.

Zoe: Nebula, have you seen Mikey? He went missing, again.

Nebula: No, but I'm sure he's smart enough to stay away from this fight.

We made it up stairs to find--

I could not believe my eyes when I saw him.

Blake: A Sovereign.

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