High Priestess Ayesha

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"Hey, Zoe. You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." She assured "You?"

"Yeah. I bit of a burn from when that thing breathed on me but I'm good."

When Drax cleaned up he asked

"What are they called again?"

Quill: Anulax batteries.

Drax: Harbulary batteries.

Quill: That's nothing like what I just said. They're worth thousands of units apiece which is why the Sovereign asked us to protect them. Be careful what you say around these folks. They're highly offended. The cost of transgression is death.

Blake: (Sarcastically) Yeesh. That's reassuring to know.

When we made it inside, everything was gold and blue. Even the people were gold.

Ayesha: We thank you guardians for putting your lives on the line. We could not risk the lives of our own Sovereign citizens. Every citizen is born as exactly designed by the community. Impeccable, both physically and mentally. We control the DNA of our progeny, germinating them in birthing pods.

Zoe: (Whispering to me) That's so weird.

Blake: (Whispering) Let's just keep that between us.

Quill: I guess I prefer to make people the old fashioned way.

Blake: Oh good grief.

I rolled my eyes.

Ayesha: Well. Perhaps someday you could give me a history lesson in the archaic ways of our ancestors. For academic purposes.

I saw the uncomfortable look of one of her servants faces.

"You and me both, sister." I thought.

Quill: I would be honored. Yes. I the name of research that would be pretty

He looked at Gamora's face.

Quill: Pretty repulsive.

Blake: Yeah. Plus we're on a tight schedule.

Quill: I'm not into that kind of casual

Blake: Dude. Just stop.

Gamora: Oh, please. Your people promised something in exchange for our services. Bring it and we shall gladly be on our way.

Zoe: Wow. She's got bravery.

They brought out a cloaked figure. When they threw the hood up, it revealed to be Nebula.

Quill: Family reunion. Yay.

Blake: Not now.

Zoe: You know her?

Blake: Gamora's sister. We had a bad run in with her last time.

Aiesha: I understand she is your sister.

Gamora: She is worth no more to me than the bounty due for her on Xandar.

Ayesha: Our soldiers apprehended attempting to steal the batteries. Do with her as you please.

Gamora grabbed her and walked off.

Quill: We thank you, High Priestess Ayesha.

Ayesha: What is your heritage, Mr. Quill?

Quill: My mother is from Earth.

Ayesha: And your father?

I felt guilty about this part.

Quill: He ain't from Missouri. That's all I know.

Ayesha: I see it within you. An unorthodox genealogy. A hybrid that seems particularly reckless.

Rocket: You know, they told me you people were considered idiots. But that isn't true at all.

He winkwinked at us. Unfortunately, people saw that and they looked like pulling their guns out.

Rocket: Oh, crap. I'm using my wrong eye again, aren't I? I'm sorry. That was meant to be behind your back.

Drax pulled him away.

Blake: Again we thank you.

Ayesha: Blake Slader, was it?

I got nervous.

Blake: Yes?

Ayesha: You protect this man, don't you?

Blake: Well, he's my partner. And my responsibility.

Ayesha: I heard you Wolzarian creatures are often loyal.

Blake: From your point of view, is that good or bad?

Ayesha: Loyalty is valued. However, if a mistake is involved or your comrade die on your account, then where does it lie?

I froze. I felt stuck.

Zoe: Blake?

I unfroze.

Blake: Well, we'll just keep that from happening.

I walked away.

Zoe: Are you okay?

Blake: I don't know.

Zoe: Don't let her get to you. They probably don't know loyalty themselves.

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