No Sleep Till Brooklyn

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The High Evolutionary's voice was here on the PA.

High Evolutionary: Attention all personal. Intruders have boarded the ship. Head to the starboard spaceport. Get me 89P13, and kill the rest.

Mikey: We gotta head to starboard spaceport and find everyone.

Blake: I believe you're right.

Meanwhile, Peter, Gamora, Rocket, Groot, and Zoe walked as they prepared the rest of the rescue mission.

Peter: We go in there, we get Mantis, Nebula, Drax, Blake, and Mikey. We move in, we get 'em, and we get out.

All of a sudden, a loud booming noise came from behind them as a dent appeared from the other side of the wall. They readied their weapons, preparing to attack, but what they weren't ready for were Abalisks with us riding on them, entering the room.

Mantis: Whoo!

Mikey: Hi, Mommy!

Zoe: Blake? Mikey?

We both road on one and landed on the ground. Zoe came forth and we did a group hug.

Zoe: You both are in serious trouble for scaring me like that!

Blake: Honey, it's okay. Mikey went up there to save me.

Zoe: And why didn't you jump off?

Blake: I got captured.

Zoe: Do you have any idea how much--

I decided to just repair the damage with a kiss.

Mikey: Eww.

He covered his eyes.

Blake: Our son is a true guardian.

Zoe smiled and went down to hug and kiss our baby boy.

Mikey: Mom, everyone's watching.

Zoe: Oh, come on. You can't escape that easily.

Mantis: Did that look cool?

Peter was taken back.

Peter: Okay, new game plan. We get the heck out of here now.

Nebula: There are thousands of creatures on the ship.

Mantis: Many of them are children.

Blake: Pete, we can't leave those kids with that monster. Who knows what he might do next.

Zoe: It's too risky. What if it's a trap?

Mikey: Mommy! They're kids that need good people to take care of them.

Blake: I'm sorry, honey, but Mikey's right.

Drax: And we need to be good joob joob.

Peter: Huh?

Drax: It means friends.

Zoe: I'm confused.

Mikey: The kids don't know English.

Gamora: If we wanna live, we have to leave now. This whole rig is gonna go down any second.

Mikey: Now's not the time to be selfish.

Blake: He's right.

Gamora: He's a child.

Zoe: He's our child. And he is right.

Nebula: They will all die if we don't help them.

Rocket looked down the door and he made a choice.

Rocket: I'm done runnin'.

He cocked his gun as he went towards the door as we all began to follow.

Rocket: Sport, I'm gonna need you to be my lookout.

Mikey: Roger that.

Blake: Let's do it.

We all walked in what felt like slow motion towards the door. Drax opened the door with his strength and the Hellspawn and guards saw us and began shooting as the fight began. But we shot back. Peter did a flip kick, Groot stretched his arms out, ripped on if the Hellspawn from the inside out. Mantis flipped a guard over. I shot my gatling rifle and stabbed a guard with the bade end. Another was about to attack me but Mikey bit his shoulder, distracting him while I stabbed the guard from behind as Zoe used her dual rifles to shoot a guard and Hellspawn at the same time. Another Hellspawn attacked Groot but Rocket jumped on and shot that one. He climbed on Groot's shoulder and shot from that angle. Then Groot stretched his arm as Rocket climbed on it climbing and shooting at the same time. He jumped off and shot again. Peter shot and attached devices to guards. Nebula shot and shocked guards with her metal arm. Those guards that Peter attached devices to came back and Peter pressed a button to shock them. Nebula attacked two Hellspawns but got her head dislocated but still fought as she used her power to put it back in place. Drax used his strength to smash Hellspawns and sword skill to stab a guard as Adam's pet crawled on him. Gamora used her sword skill but was in trouble as a Hellspawn with an octopus head threw her against the wall. She cut off his tentacle, dodged his blasts and stabbed him, cutting him in half and finishing him off. Adam's pet crawled on the severed legs.

Blake: That was intense.

Zoe: No kidding. Let's go save those kids.

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