Final Battle Part 3

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It would've been a happy ending if a piece of rock hadn't knocked Mantis out.

Drax: Mantis! Look out!

The ground lit up, indicating that Ego woke up, again.

Zoe: Oh no. He's awake.

Drax: She's just unconscious.

He said, picking her up in his arms.

Quill: How long before the bomb goes off?

Rocket: In the unlikely event that Groot doesn't kill us all, about six minutes.

Blake: Let's just hope he doesn't do that, then.

Yondu: Kraglin. We need the Quadrant for an extraction in T-minus five minutes.

Quill: Someone needs to be up top when Kraglin arrives. Drax, take Mantis.

He put an Aero Ring on him and he flew up.

Drax: Ow! My nipples!

He screamed as he flew out with Mantis.

All of a sudden, the ground gave out and Gamora, Zoe,and Nebula fell.

Peter: Gamora!

Blake: Zoe! No!

Then glowing tentacles and a face formed behind us.

Ego: Peter!

Blake: Peter, watch out!

Meanwhile, Gamora, Zoe, and Nebula were on a free fall. Nebula grabbed Gamora's arm and Gamora grabbed Zoe's arm. With her other hand, Nebula grabbed a cliff.

Zoe: Please, don't let go.

Nebula pulled them both to the surface.

Gamora and Zoe both looked at her in thanks.

Zoe: Thank you.

Nebula: Get over it.

Meanwhile, we were fighting Ego.

Ego: Come now, Peter. I know this isn't what you want. What kind of a father would I be to let you make this choice?

Peter shot at the tentacles while he talked. I also shot at the tentacles with my rifle. Yondu attacked with his arrow.

Blake: You're no father to him!

Ego: And you, Slader! You and Yondu kept him away from me?!

Blake: We know what you did! And we sure as heck wasn't going to hand him to you!

Ego: They were failures, just like the rest of the world. Peter is the real prize I need.

Blake: You'll never take him!

Rocket flew to avoid the tentacles. He threw bombs on the them and formed a force field around himself to shield himself from the explosion.

Ego: Soon, Peter, we will be all there is. So stop ticking me off!

He tried to shoot the tentacles but one knocked him over and broke his helmet.

Blake: Peter.

I rushed over to check on him.

Peter: I'm fine. We gotta keep him distracted.

Blake: None of us will last any longer if Groot doesn't hurry.

Meanwhile, the girls were looking for a way out. They looked up to see a crack of light.

Gamora: We have to get up to the extraction point!

They looked up to see towers going up.

Zoe: That's how we get out.

Then they looked below to see one coming up towards them.

Zoe: This is crazy.

Gamora: Go!

They all jumped. Then they landed but they dangled off the edge.

The mountain moved at a very fast rate of speed as they stood on top.

Then they looked like they were about to crash onto the edge.


Ego was hitting us pretty hard. Then we looked forward. A shell opened and Ego emerged as a skeleton like form as flesh formed on him.

A tentacle hit Yondu and crushed his arrow as it was crushing him.

Blake: Yondu!

I rushed toward him, but a tentacle grabbed me as well. Tentacles grabbed my legs and arms as they formed up my body as a crushing pain starting forming.

Peter: Blake!

Tentacles were forming around Rocket.


Gamora, Zoe, and Nebula tried to climb but tentacles formed on them as well.


To me, it felt like everyone I loved was in danger. The whole universe was in danger. And Ego was winning. The pain just became too much to bear as the tentacles and crushing rocks formed on my body. I was scared.

Ego: I told you. I don't want to do this alone.

More tentacles penetrated Peter as they used his energy.

Ego: You cannot deny the purpose the universe has bestowed upon you.

The planet glowed.

Ego: It doesn't need to be like this, Peter. Why are you destroying our chance. Stop pretending you aren't what you are. One in billions. Trillions. Even more. What greater meaning can life possibly have to offer?

Blake: Love of a family!

Ego looked at me.

Blake: Of a father! Of friends! Something you can never understand.

Ego: You and Yondu think you're family to my boy? You're nothing but a worthless runt who fails and watches his people die. You are not part of my plan.

Yondu: Wrong!

Ego and I looked at Yondu.

Yondu: You ain't a runt, Slade. You ain't a failure. You're are protector.

I felt confident when I heard that from a man I call my father.

Yondu: I don't use my head to fly the arrow, boy! I use my heart.

The the rocks covered him.

Then I saw Peter becoming confident. He clenched his fists.

"Come on, Peter." I thought.

"Fight him."

The dust swirled around him. The ground glowed in his favor. Ego looked at him in confusion.

Peter: You shouldn't have killed my and squished my Walkman. And Blake is my brother.

Then he flew off and attacked Ego and took him with him.

The rocks disintegrated all around us. We were free. And we were gonna win and save the galaxy. I just knew it.

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