Come a Little Bit Closer

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A little feedback back squeaked in as a guitar began to play. A guard was shaving until he heard the music. He went into the cell to find me and Rocket installing the fin on Yondu's head.

The two guards reached for their guns but Yondu whistled and summoned his arrow to kill them.

They fell down as Yondu stood up.

Blake: There he is. Captain Yondu Udonta. Back in action.

Yondu laughed at this.

Yondu: Oh, it's good to be back. Now let's go save our boy, Slade.

Rocket picked up a gun and we walked down the hallway.

More Ravengers came towards us, but Yondu whistled and killed them all with the arrow.

We arrived at the hangar.

"Down there!"

More Ravengers came towards us.

Yondu kept attacking with the arrow.

Groot saw one the Ravengers and came up to the balcony he was on. He screamed and threw him off. A little premature revenge for what they put him through.

A Ravenger was about to shoot at Zoe.

Blake: Zoe, watch out!

I pulled her towards me, the blast barely missed her. I pulled her close and shot the Ravenger.

Our eyes locked, until Zoe looked behind me.

Zoe: Blake, watch out!

A Ravenger was about to stab me in the back, but Zoe did a split under his legs, while I dodged the knife and punched him in the face. He turned to Zoe, and she kicked him towards the neck, wrapped her legs around his neck, landed on the ground and did a martial arts kick and knocked him off the balcony.

Blake: Whoah.

I was impressed.

She swept her hair to the side in response.

Yondu whistled.

Yondu: Dang, Slade. Ain't you the lucky one?

I blushed.

Rocket: Come on, you two. The quarters should be this way.

We made it to a chamber, where we could see video screens of every place on the ship. Yondu kept whistling, his arrow flying everywhere. Rocket shot through a wall and killed another Ravenger. After that, we all began shooting through the walls, laughing, and killing Ravengers. Yondu put on a frown as he saw Taserface moving towards us.

Blake: Then there's that guy.

Yondu whistled and his arrow came towards him. All of a sudden, it lit on fire. Taserface dodged but got caught in an explosion.

Rocket: You maniac. The whole ship's gonna blow.

He had a worried face.

Yondu smirked.

Yondu: Not the whole ship.

He whistled and his arrow came back.


Taserface patted out the fire on his arm. He contacted one of Ayesha's servants.

"Who is this?"

Taserface: I am sending you the coordinates of Yondu's ship.


Kraglin was on standby, waiting for Yondu's orders.

We came up to the cockpit.

Yondu: Release the quadrant!

Kraglin: Aye, Captain.

He pulled a lever and part of the ship moved away.


Taserface: I only ask one thing. That your high Priestess tell him of the name of the man what sealed his fate. Taserface.

The servant just cracked up in response to that.

Then the ship exploded.

We were on our way.

Kraglin: Where to, Captain?

Rocket: Ego.

Blake: Rocket, wait!

Yondu: No, boy!

Then we went through a few jump points.

Yondu: It ain't healthy for a mammalian body to hop more than 50 jumps at a time.

Rocket: I know that.

Blake: Rocket, what did you do?

Yondu: We're about to do 700!

Blake: What?!

Then all of sudden, as we jumped through points, our faces began to change.

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