Saving the Children

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We ran through the hallway.

Peter: There's a big hole up in the deck. If we connect that Knowhere, we can lead the survivors to safety.

Rocket: Nebs, Sport and me will pilot the ship. You guys save all the higher life forms.

Blake: Keep him safe, Rocket.

Mikey followed Rocket and Nebula.

We finally found the children.

Zoe: Aw. They're so cute.

Drax: Hello, moron.

Blake: Drax.

The girl chuckled at him.

Gamora: Come on!

Drax broke the handle and broke them out.

Gamora: Follow me, come on! Come on!

The children went with her.

Gamora: Come on! Go, go, go!

"Domo, dommo."

"I am Groot."

Blake: This way.

Me and Zoe directed the kids with the girl. All of a sudden, Adam appeared again, his shirt nearly gone because of the explosion.

Blake: Oh, not you again.

Zoe: Seriously? How many times do we have to kill you?

His fists began glowing as he screamed.

Groot looked behind himself and saw him. We prepared to fight. But instead of attacking, he fell over, too weak to fight.

Groot was still watching.

Zoe: He's dead. Good.

Groot: "I am Groot?: Are we just going to leave him like this?"

Zoe: Why should we save him? He tried to kill us.

Blake: Babe. Groot may have a point.

Zoe looked at me in unbelief.

Blake: I know you're angry. But didn't you once believe that fighting is pointless?

Zoe began smiling.

Zoe: Alright, but if he attacks again, we might as well kill him.

Mantis opened another cell and screamed at some horrifying alien.

We heard and we were disgusted.

Blake: What's wron-- Eesh!

Mantis: Uh, this way to, uh...

"Thank you."

He said as he limped out.

Mantis: Yes, you're welcome. I was screaming at something scary behind you, not you. You look really cool.

Blake: Nice save. Hope that we don't see him again.

I went to follow Peter.

We both ran and was confronted by guards.

Peter: Kill us if you want but then good luck gettin' out of here.

We both walked away.


"Let them go, Flecktick, it's our only chance."

Peter spoke through his comm.

Peter: I got a space big enough to get through. I gotta find out if I can change it to a permeable shield.

Blake: Any ideas, guys?

Rocket, Nebula and Mikey went up to the control room. The High Evolutionary wasn't there.

Mikey: Where's the High Evolutionary?

Nebula: My guess is he bolted.

Rocket: I can't fly this frickin' thing, the flight controls are all screwed.

Blake: Ok. Rocket you know how to hack stuff. Is there a way to hack into the mainframe or something?

Nebula: I'll do it. Go help the others. Wait, give me your comm.

Rocket handed her the comm.

Mikey: Wait. Let me help.

Nebula: No. I can't let you. Your father needs you.

Rocket: Come on, Sport. I'm not letting you die up here.

Mikey nodded before Nebula stopped him.

Nebula: Wait.

Mikey came back and Nebula hugged him.

Nebula: I'm sorry for what I said. I've never seen a child as brave as you before.

Mikey: Thanks, Aunt Nebula.

Then he and Rocket both left.

Nebula: Kraglin, I'll pilot from this side.

Kraglin: Kragula, back in action!

Nebula used her arm to hack into the control. The ship went towards Knowhere.

Me and Peter were trying to fix the shield.

Gamora: Come on, come on, come on! Go, go!

Gamora, Groot and Zoe led the kids out. Groot held Adam.

Gamora: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!! Stop, stop!

We closer to a platform and landed.

Peter: Ok, Cosmo, stitch it up! It needs to be airtight for the kids to make it across.

Cosmo: Locking up, Kapitan.

Cosmo used her telekinesis to bring to ship forward.

Peter: All right, Blake get ready to cut the shield.

We finally worked the wires.

Blake: Now!

We cut it off and the kids finally escaped.

Gamora: One by one, one by one! Okay.

Meanwhile, Nebula was in deep trouble. The room was gonna blow and she was losing control.

Nebula: Locking in and headed down!

She finished and escaped quickly.

Meanwhile, with us. Groot set Adam down.

Drax: This way. This way.

He was directing the children.

Adam woke up and looked at us.

Adam: Why?

We all looked at him.

Adam: Why are you doing this? I tried to kill you. And I endangered your son.

Blake: Because it doesn't have to be like that.

"I am Groot."

Drax: He says "everyone deserves a second chance".

Adam looked at us.

Blake: Exactly. You don't have to be the bad guy anymore, Adam.

Zoe looked at us.

Cosmo was getting tired. Her telekinesis on the ship was failing as it shifted.

Blake: Cosmo, no. You need to keep a hold so that everyone can get across.

Mantis: You are so strong.

It encouraged Cosmo and she kept a hold.

Nebula came out, carrying one of this kids.

Nebula: Why are you so slow? Hurry!

Peter: Where's Rocket?

Blake: And where's Mikey?

Nebula: Huh?

She looked behind her.

She had a sad and confused look on her face.

I believe we all had an idea where they might be.

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