Let's End This

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Rocket: Alright. Let's get this party started.

Yondu: Kraglin, you stay here in case someone shows up.

We were taking a smaller ship down to the planet.

"Rocket?! Blake?!"

I knew that was Gamora from the com.

Rocket: Keep that transmitter nearby so I can find you. We're in an old peice of construction equipment Yondu and Blake once used to slice open the Bank of A'askavaria.

I looked at him.

Blake: Wrong planet.

Gamora: Ego's unhinged.

Rocket: I know. Get ready.

Yondu: Drop it, Kraglin!

We flew down to the planet.

Zoe: Oh, dear.

She looked a little green.

Blake: What's wrong?

I asked, concerned.

Zoe: My stomach just doesn't like it when we fly downwards at this speed.

Blake: Yondu, you wouldn't happen to have any spare bags in here, would you?

Yondu: Girl, don't make a mess in my ship.

Rocket: Zoe, just stand up and breathe.

She did as he said.

We went towards the castle.

Zoe: We're not going to crash through that thing, are we?

Yondu: We are.

Blake: Better sit down and hang on to something.

She obeyed.

We crashed through the wall to see Ego standing near Peter, who had glowing tentacles stuck through him.

Blake: What the, h-

Yondu: Hey there, fool.

We crashed on him, freeing Peter.

Zoe flew forward and hit her head.

Blake: I'm hoping that washes out.

We opened the door. Groot smiled and waved at them.

Drax: Out of the way, dumber, smaller Groot!

That made Groot mad as he started hitting him.

Drax: What are you doing? You could've killed us all.

He directed that at Rocket.

Rocket: Uh, 'Thank you, Rocket'? Besides, they were driving.

Blake: Hey, it was your idea. Zoe?

She got up and punched me in the shoulder.

Zoe: Don't do that again.

Blake: This is why we have seat belts.

Drax: We had it under control.

Mantis: We did not. That is only an extension of his true self. He will be back soon.

Blake: When you say soon do you mean like a millennium, right?

I asked hopefully.

They all looked at me with a scowl.

Blake: Right.

Quill: What's Smurfette doing here?

I noticed that Nebula was here.

Blake: Oh, yeah. I forgot she was here.

Nebula: Whatever I need to get a ride home.

Rocket: She tried to murder me!

Nebula: I saved you, you stupid fox!

Blake: Where did the saving part come in? When you tased us and took the mutineer Ravengers' side?

Quill: I'm sorry, what?

Blake: We'll talk later.

Gamora: He's not a fox.

Groot: I am Groot.

Rocket: I'm not a raboon either!

Groot: I am Groot.

Rocket: Raccoon. Whatever.

Zoe: What is he, again?

Blake: Let's not go down the rabbit hole on that.

All of a sudden, the same glowing tentacles wrapped around the ship.

Drax: How do we kill a Celestial?

Quill: There's a center to him. His brain, his soul, whatever it is. It's some sort of protective shell.

Mantis: It's in the caverns below the surface.

Blake: So in other words, we just gotta dig for it.

I followed Quill to the cockpit.

Quill: Yondu?!

Blake: Yep. He found us.

We tried moving up, but the tentacles held us down.

Yondu: Thrusters are out. Slade, help me out, here.

I obeyed.

Quill: Guess you guys should be grateful that I was a skinny kid, otherwise you both would've handed me over to this maniac!

Yondu: You still think that's the reason we kept you around, you idiot?

Quill: That's what you told me, you old doofus!

Blake: Just tell him the truth, now that we've got ourselves in this situation!

Yondu: Well, after we saw what happened to them other kids, we weren't actually just going to hand you over.

Quill: You said you were gonna eat me!

Yondu: That was being funny!

Quill: Not to me!

Blake: You're being sensitive!

Quill: And you knew about this?!

Blake: Blame the guy who told me to keep this a secret!

Rocket: You people have issues!

Quill: Of course I have issues!

Then, all of a sudden, a gruesome, hideous version of Ego appeared, roaring.

Quill: That's my freaking father! Thrusters are back up.

Yondu ramed right through him.

Blake: Holy-. I think I wet my pants.

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