Prison Escape

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Rocket explained to us the escape plan the next morning. He needed a control pad, which the guards had, which control the ins and outs, and he needed a guy's metal leg. That part, I didn't understand. After a discussion of getting the wristband, and getting up to the tower, after getting a quarnex battery, last, unfortunately, Groot already pulled the battery out.

Rocket: Or we can get it, first and improvise!

Gamora: I'll get the armband.

Quill: Leg.

Blake: I'll hold em off, here.

Rocket was frustrated.

Blake: You big idiot.

Rocket, Groot, and I held off the guards. Especially with Drax helping and handing Rocket a gun. Gamora and Quill came back. Gamora with the armband and Quill with the leg. For some reason, I was scared to ask why Rocket needed the leg. We all got up to the tower, and kicked out a guard. Especially Drax, which Gamora didn't look thrilled about.

Drax: Spare me your gaze, woman.

Blake: Why'd you bring him along?

Quill: I promised him I'd let him get his revenge. And I always keep my promises. Especially if they're muscle bound whackjobs who try to kill me. Here you go.

He gave the leg to Rocket.

Rocket: Oh. I don't need that. Just these two.

Blake: Wait. You had us steal the arm for no reason at all.

Rocket: Oh, I was being funny. Wasn't it funny? What'd he look like, hopping around?

Quill: I had to transfer him 20,000 units.

Blake: That's demented, man. You don't just steal someone's mechanical body parts. They need those.

We kept on arguing, with Rocket working his plan, and the guards trying to shoot us down. It was chaos. Until, the the gravity was turned off. Rocket used the robots to fly us out. We finally got to the Milano and got our stuff back.

Quill: Wait. The guy didn't put it back.

Blake: Dude. Don't even think about it.

Quill: Blake. Get them out there, keep an eye on them, and make sure they don't leave without me.

Gamora: What's going on?

Blake: He needs to retrieve something. Hurry up and get on.

We drove out into space.

They wanted to leave him, but when Gamora looked into his bag, the orb wasn't there. I laughed out loud.

Blake: Classic. I told you we shouldn't leave without him. He's crafty.

Drax: Behold.

Quill was out there. With his mask and flying with his rocket boots. We brought him in.

Drax: He shows courage. He will make a great companion against Ronan. Comrad, what were you retrieving?

Quill showed his Walkman.

Drax: You're an idiot.

Blake: You have no idea.

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