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We arrived at a place called Knowhere. The location of Gamora's buyer. "The severed head of a celestial being" I think she called it. If it was a giant's head, I was scared to imagine what it would've looked like as a full giant. When we landed, Gamora talked about the history how people worked the disgusting jobs here. It kind of grossed me out. All of a sudden, a group of children came up asking for money. Groot handed one of them a flower. After they cleared off, we came to the place where we were supposed to wait for the buyer. After someone got thrown out, we immediately got worried.

Drax: This is no respectable establishment. What are we supposed to do while we wait?

Next thing I know, Quill and Gamora were having some alone time together, and we were drinking and betting on Orloni battles. After a while, Drax, Rocket and Groot were getting in a fight with each other. I immediately got out to warn Quill.

Blake: Quill!

Quill and Gamora looked at me.

Blake: The guys are fighting each other.

We all came inside. Rocket began ranting about people hating him and his past about how he was experimented on. He was about to shoot Quill, but he stopped him. Drax walked out, angry.

Blake: Whatever. We don't need him. He wasn't part of the deal, anyhow.

Quill: Yeah, well-

Blake: See? I knew this was going to happen!

All of a sudden, a woman came out.

"Gamora. I've come to fetch you for my master."

We walked past a bunch of creepy specimens and a dog in a spacesuit, which Rocket growled at.

"I present to you, Taneleer Tevan. The collector."

She gestured to a weird looking guy in white.

"Oh, my dear Gamora. How wonderful to meet you in the flesh."

Gamora: Let's bypass the formalities, Tevan. We have what we discussed.

The collector seemed to be distracted by Groot and Rocket. Rocket seemed ticked off with him.

Time Skip

After some brief history, we discovered that the thing inside the orb is called an Infinity Stone. It appeared to be one of the 5 in the universe. It also had the power to destroy people, and an entire planet. So that's why Ronan wants this thing. It definitely made a point with us when Tevan's servant touched it, and caused a big explosion.

We barely got out alive.

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