Meet Drax the Destroyer

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The first thing that went through my mind as we got into our uniforms

"Was the piping hot yellow liquid really necessary?"

That nasty stuff really burned me pretty badly. And the uniforms were definitely not my style. Quill and I both noticed that Rocket's upper back was bare without fur and had nasty scars. We both pretended to look away and not notice but we both wondered "What happened to him?"

After we got our prison supplies, all the prisoners were yelling curses and threats at us. But it turned out that it was Gamora that they were yelling at.

Blake: Why would they blame her?

Unfortunately, what I heard about what Rocket said about the guards not caring about what we do to each other inside, I immediately got concerned.

"Hey" boomed a giant blue alien "Check out the two new meats. I'm gonna lather you two up in jelly. And go to town"

Groot interrupted him by putting his fingers up the guy's nose.

Rocket: Alright! Let's make one thing clear! These two here are our booty! You want them, you'll go through us! Or more appropriately, we go through you!

They made their point when the guy dropped down to the ground, clearly in pain.

Quill: We're with them. Come on, Blake.

Blake: Ugh. Yikes. Sorry, buddy.

"I hate you."

They kept yelling at Gamora. Even when she was locked up inside her separate cell, they still yelled at her.

I was even more concerned.

Later that night

It really stunk that we had to sleep with other stinky, snoring, disgusting criminals. They didn't even have separate beds and rooms? What kind of sick establishment is this?

Blake: Quill. We can't stay here. We gotta get out.

Quill: We do that, they'll all be after us. The Ravengers, the Nova Corps, and those crazy bounty hunter nutjobs.

Blake: They'll kill us , if we stay. And her.

Quill: I thought you were against her after she tried to steal from us. By the way, she hates us and tried to kill us.

Blake: This is wrong. They're hating her for the things her father and boss did. She's against them. Also, you said it yourself. A lot of people tried to kill us over the years. I can't believe I'm saying this, but we need to be a team more than ever right now.

Quill looked like he had a smile.

Quill: Sorry for ruining your life and ticking you off.

I was about to say something to him, but then I heard something from Gamora's room.

"Take her down to the showers. It'll be easier to clean the blood."

We decided to follow them.

"Gamora. Consider this a death sentence for your crimes against the galaxy."


A big voice boomed. It came from a brown skinned man with red marks all over him. He only wore yellow pants. I recognized him and was instantly terrified.

"You know who I am, yes?"

"You're Drax. The destroyer."

"You know why they call me this?"

"You slayed dozens of Ronan's minions."

Drax: He murdered my wife and my daughter. He slaughtered them where they stood. AND HE LAUGHED!

Blake: I've heard of him. He's dangerous. Let's get out of here. Quill?

Quill was coming towards them.

Blake: Quill. No.

Drax: Her life is not yours to take. He murdered my family. I'll take one of his in return.

"Yes. Here, Drax."

Quill: Wait.

"Oh my goodness." I thought "We are so doomed."

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